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Resource Needs for East Asia and Pacific Infrastructure 2005-2010 Bali Workshop June 28,2004 Jonathan Walters (econometric analysis: Tito Yepes) The World.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Needs for East Asia and Pacific Infrastructure 2005-2010 Bali Workshop June 28,2004 Jonathan Walters (econometric analysis: Tito Yepes) The World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Needs for East Asia and Pacific Infrastructure 2005-2010 Bali Workshop June 28,2004 Jonathan Walters (econometric analysis: Tito Yepes) The World Bank

2 1.Projection of physical infrastructure stocks, based on econometric models. 2.Changes in stock levels (investment) is then valued at “best practice costs” – investment is assumed to be efficient 3.Annual maintenance expenditures are estimated as a fixed percentage of stock of infrastructure valued at same prices. Methodology of Estimation

3 Sector Coverage Included: electricity grids, major roads (paved only), railroads, water and sanitation, telecommunications systems Excluded (for lack of data): off-grid power, gas grids, mass transit, ports, unpaved/minor/urban roads, airports

4 Projections were made for the 8 countries with sufficient historical data. (China, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, PNG, Mongolia). Those countries account for 98% of EAP GDP Totals for EAP countries outside the sample were obtained by assuming those countries were like sample countries in same class Expanding from Sample to EAP Region

5 Projection of Physical Stock Levels

6 Best Practice Costs

7 Annual Investments and Maintenance in East Asia 2005- 2010

8 Annual Investments and Maintenance in China 2005-2010

9 Annual Investments and Maintenance in the Rest of East Asia 2005-2010

10 Annual Investments and Maintenance in East Asia Middle Income Countries 2005-2010

11 Annual Investments and Maintenance in East Asia Low Income Countries 2005-2010

12 Headline Numbers EAP bill is US$ 300 billion+ per year Which equals 11% of EAP GDP China alone needs US$ 250 billion or 13.6% of its GDP Middle income countries (w/o China) need 5.4% of GDP Low income countries need 7% of GDP Telecommunications is 55% of the EAP total All numbers are approximations!

13 How to fund US$ 300 billion+ Three questions: How to keep the bill down to US$ 300 billion? how to make investment efficient (public sector reform or private participation)? How to get the funding up to US$ 300 billion? Cost recovery (tariffs, user charges) Tax-financed subsidies (how much fiscal space?) Loans to postpone the tax or tariff burden (role of domestic and international financial sector?) Donors (US$ 8-10 billion?) Private capital (US$ 15-40 billion?) How much extra to achieve MDGs?

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