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Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 2007. 12. 3 – 5. IAEA/RCA Asian Region ALARA Network Meeting Korea Information System on Occupational Exposure (KISOE)

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Presentation on theme: "Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 2007. 12. 3 – 5. IAEA/RCA Asian Region ALARA Network Meeting Korea Information System on Occupational Exposure (KISOE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 2007. 12. 3 – 5. IAEA/RCA Asian Region ALARA Network Meeting Korea Information System on Occupational Exposure (KISOE) Mr. Won Chul CHOI Senior Researcher, Radiaton Protection & Safety Management Department Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) P.O. Box 114, Yuseong, Daejeon, Korea, 305-600 TEL : 82-42-868-0513 FAX : 82-42-862-3680 E-mail :

2 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Contents 1. Background 2. Purpose and Function 3. Structure 4. Establishment 5. Analysis 6. Communication 7. Others 8. Effectiveness 9. KISOE system 10. Suggestions

3 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 1. Background - 1 -  Needs improved system for radiation safety regulation The number of radiation workers is increasing every year. The use of radioisotope(including RG) is diversified to the various fields There are difficulties in protecting workers from radiation exposures effectively.  Because regulatory activities and the management of occupational dose records are separated to KINS and KRIA.  To be selected as a key task in a report of national policies in 2002

4 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 2. Purposes and Functions - 2 - - Support regulatory works - Produce data for the dose reduction - Dose assessment for the categories - Q/A for the personal dose information - Support regulatory works - Produce data for the dose reduction - Dose assessment for the categories - Q/A for the personal dose information - Privide risk information V/V for regulatory activities - Link international network - Privide risk information V/V for regulatory activities - Link international network Improve Safety Regulation System Improve Safety Regulation System Developing indicator for the risk based radiation protection scheme Development and In depth analysis for the dose Dose Reduction Dose Assessment and Evaluation Integrated management for the radiation worker information Final Goal Functions

5 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Technical Support Safety Information Analysis and Evaluation information Dose Work Environment Regulation Effect Radiation effect Accident and incident Prediction for dxposure dose Radiation risk KISOE Registration Dose Record Service for the Personal Dose Registration Dosimeters Dose Record Health Information Education Radiation Safety Activities Dosimetry Service Registration Dosimeters Dose Record Health Information Education Radiation Safety Activities Radiation Worker Protection Policy Dosimetry Service Regulation Abnormal Dose Regulation NPPs National Dose Recording (KRIA) RI Licensees Dosimetry Service MOST/KINS Registration Worker Dosimeter Dosimetry System Dosimetry data Personal data Raw data Q/A Data Dose Information from KRIA 3. Structure of KISOE Analysis Evaluation Radiation Protection Policy Licensees Information from RASIS Regulation Information from Government - 3 -

6 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 4. Establishment of KISOE(2002-2005) 2002 2003 2004 2005 The establishment of NSMCRW Analysis of the state of the artAnalysis of the state of the art Development of pilot systemDevelopment of pilot system Basic design stage Determination of basic elements design stage In Depth Analysis and Evaluation Operation stage Operation - 4 -  NSMCRW : The National Safety Management Center for Radioan Worker Establishment of D/B

7 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety KISOE analyzes Trend of the number of radiation workers Trend of occupational exposure dose with job categories Trend of the number of licensees Dose Analysis Items (Standards) Dose Analysis Items (Standards) Status of Licensees Collective and Average Dose Worker  Job  Region  Job and Region  Job  Region  Job and Region  Trend of Job  Trend of Region  Dose Distribution  Dose Range  Personal  Licensee 5. Occupational Exposure Analysis - 5 -

8 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety SeoulBusanIncheonCheohnamCheonbukChungnamDaeguKwangjuDaejeonKyunggiKyungnamKyungbukKangwonChungbukJejuUlsanMedicalIndustryNDTSales & DistributionsMilitaryResearchEducationPublic & GovernmentNPPs 5. Example(1) Workers 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Workers - 6 - Job Categories Vs. Workers (2006) Regions Vs. Workers (2006)

9 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 5. Example(2) Workers 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 200420052006 - 7 - No. of Radiation Worker for the jobs Radiation Job Categories  Classify detailed radiation job category based on UNSCEAR, CANADA and other countries

10 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 5. Example(3) Workers 100 0~0.20.5~1.02.0~5.00.2~0.51.0~2.05.0~10.010.0~20.020.0~50.0 Dose Range(mSv) 200 300 400 500 600 700 - 8 - Dose range Vs. Workers for Medical (2006)

11 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety KISOE members can create an unique forum and communicate immediatly with each member exchange information for interesting fields using bulletin and free board in forum start after 2005 6. Communication Managing on-line forum and e-mail forum - In order to exchange the information of the occupational exposure effectively On-line Forum E-Mail Forum register in the KISOE Web site send e-mail directly to all registered members Start after 2005 - 9 -

12 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 7. Others 9. 시스템 상세 - 10 - Biological effect due to radiation exposure Safety regulation for dosimetry service providers International interface (ISOE) Mr. Echavarri, NEA Derector-General

13 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 8. Effectiveness Rationality of Radiation Safety Scientific regulation based on the result from the analysis data and information of occupational exposure Support the decision for Radiation Protection Policy Support the decision for Radiation Protection Policy Technical Support for Radiation Safety Program of Licensees 기대효과 - 11 -

14 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 9. KISOE System ( - 12 -

15 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 10. Suggestions - 13 - Set up items on ARAN web site ( benchmarking EAN ) Set up annual action plan of ARAN (2008~) Set up business scope and contents of ARAN Set up ARAN organization and operation Korea agrees to use acronym of Asian Region ALARA Network (ARAN)

16 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Korea Representative Dr. Seong Ho NA Executive Director Office for Radiation and Radioacitive Waste Safety Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety(KINS) 34 Gwakak-ro, Youseong-go Daejeon, Republic of Korea Tel : +82 42 868 0302, Fax : +82 42 862 3680 Dr. Byung Soo LEE Director, Radiation Safety Division Office for Radiation and Radioacitive Waste Safety Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety(KINS) 34 Gwakak-ro, Youseong-go Daejeon, Republic of Korea Tel : +82 42 868 0291, Fax : +82 42 862 3680 - 14 -

17 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Thank for your attention! - 15 -

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