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Wisdom of the Crowed Preliminary Design Review High Speed Digital Systems Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisdom of the Crowed Preliminary Design Review High Speed Digital Systems Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisdom of the Crowed Preliminary Design Review High Speed Digital Systems Lab

2 Herds owners deal with control difficulties. It reflects in daily problems, for example: Herd’s members Stealing Following health status Real time monitoring.

3 Herd’s members would wear the smart collar Each smart collar receives GPS and sensors data The collars share data through WIFI Real time data will be transferred to the base station Owners will have an easy way to control their herd.

4 WIFI Cellular GPS & Sensor

5 Developing “smart collar” prototype GPS and cellular communication Based on WIFI, sensors, GPS and cellular communication The project is part of “Internet of Things” trend The project is part of “Internet of Things” trend

6 Main goal - design a stand alone unit, supports the following: Receive and process GPS and sensors data Receive and process GPS and sensors data Communicate with a similar unit through WIFI Communicate with a similar unit through WIFI Send data from a single unit (Master) to “base station” by cellular communication Send data from a single unit (Master) to “base station” by cellular communication

7 WIFI Cellular GPS & Sensor

8 Arduino Nano ESP WIFI GPS Module Server Cellular Heat Sensor GPS Module Heat Sensor Cellular Module Cellular Module

9 Master Control WIFI Master GPS Heat Cellular Server Slave Control WIFI Slave GPS Heat Master Slave user

10 The device will be implemented on an Arduino Nano board. Hardware : Arduino Nano v3.0Tmega WIfI module ESP8266 GPS module U-blox NEO 6 Heat sensor Cellular module Software : Arduino programming language C programming language

11 GPS and heat sensor accuracy testing GPS and heat sensor accuracy testing Communication between 2 devices through WIFI Communication between 2 devices through WIFI Data transfer between master and slave Data transfer between master and slave Data transfer between master and base station through Data transfer between master and base station through cellular communication cellular communication End to end system testing End to end system testing

12 12-18.419-25.426.4-2.53-9.510-16.517-23.524-30.5 למידה תיאורטית של GPS הכרת ה - Arduino וסביבת העבודה חיפוש רכיב GPS והזמנתו למידה וניסוי עבודת החיישן למידה וניסוי רכיב WIFI הכנה למצגת אמצע מצגת אפיון מצגת אמצע

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