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RETHINKING, REDESIGNING, REPOSITIONING THE DELIVERY OF CARE Lynn Stevenson, Associate DM 15 th Annual Health Care Summit Kelowna BC June 22, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "RETHINKING, REDESIGNING, REPOSITIONING THE DELIVERY OF CARE Lynn Stevenson, Associate DM 15 th Annual Health Care Summit Kelowna BC June 22, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 RETHINKING, REDESIGNING, REPOSITIONING THE DELIVERY OF CARE Lynn Stevenson, Associate DM 15 th Annual Health Care Summit Kelowna BC June 22, 2015

2 Government/SystemHAPhysicianPatient Patient-Centred Sustainable Meets targets Addresses the needs of citizens Patient-Centred Within budget Running at capacity – NOT over- capacity Effective Safe Low staff turnaround, injury, sick leave Patient-Centred Addresses Patient’s issue Patient does not return Run appointments on time See patients every 10 mins. Patient-Centred Accessible Convenient Responsive Timely Effective Safe Simple What this is depends on your perspective… 2

3  The health system is built around hospitals and providers  Changes are incremental rather than fundamental  We think we know what works for patients/families  Fundamental changes in health care have been driven from the outside  Standardization vs individualization The Case for Change 3

4 The vision for an integrated patient-centred system of care Puts patients at the forefront of their health and care Fosters control over their own choices Helps them make [informed] decisions Supports a partnership between individuals, families, and health care services providers 4

5 1. Challenge our current paradigms, give up control To build an integrated, patient-centred system of care, we need to: 3. Commit to taking risks and learning along the way. 2. Identify, prioritize and engage in action at all levels to support population and patient-centred services and care. 5

6 Who is the “patient” in patient-centred care? 6 If you have met one patient you have met one patient. Modern patients don’t assume that health care providers have all of the answers.

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