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Net DMR Catch the Wave to Electronic Reporting  NetDMR – Electronic Reporting is now Available for DMRs.

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2 Net DMR Catch the Wave to Electronic Reporting

3  NetDMR – Electronic Reporting is now Available for DMRs

4 Catch the Wave  Region 6 Implementation Each DMR submission date will be phased in, with the first wave beginning in January Each DMR submission date will be phased in, with the first wave beginning in January DMR submittal dates in April and July 2010 DMR submittal dates in April and July 2010 Attend On-line Permittee Training in February Attend On-line Permittee Training in February 3 Classes, Feb. 2, 4, and 93 Classes, Feb. 2, 4, and 9 Practice in NetDMR test databasePractice in NetDMR test database One or more successful submissionOne or more successful submission Ride the wave into NetDMR Production EnvironmentRide the wave into NetDMR Production Environment

5 NetDMR  Can surf your way to the top by electronically submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports (eDMRs  Data flows from NetDMR thru the Central Data Exchange (CDX) rapidly to ICIS

6 Catch the Wave  As the tide rolls in: NPDES-permitted facilities can electronically sign and submit DMRs via a secure internet site consistent with CROMERR NPDES-permitted facilities can electronically sign and submit DMRs via a secure internet site consistent with CROMERR Electronic submission of DMRs, is voluntaryElectronic submission of DMRs, is voluntary

7 Sign & Submit Checked CORs

8 Sign & Submit Included CORs

9 Waves of Benefits  The fast moving current will take you from using paper DMRs to a web- based submission  Staff will have more time to swim and surf as data entry burden will be significantly reduced. 40,000

10 Waves of Benefits  Three ways to enter data electronically Direct Data Entry Direct Data Entry Import file Import file Data Provider (Lab enters – you sign) Data Provider (Lab enters – you sign)

11 Waves of Benefits  Less waste will be found in the streams and rivers as preprinted DMRs will no longer be required  Data will ride rapidly across the waters and will enter the ICIS-NPDES Cruiseline exactly the way it was sent

12 Waves of Benefits  Official Copy of Records (CORs) are stored and can be viewed or downloaded

13 Waves of Benefits  Enhancements to NetDMR No Discharge – in paper world No Discharge – in paper world One letter with numerous outfalls listedOne letter with numerous outfalls listed Recommendation made during testing to allow a similar function in NetDMRRecommendation made during testing to allow a similar function in NetDMR Currently has the “highest” priorityCurrently has the “highest” priority Group or Individual recommendations for enhancements Group or Individual recommendations for enhancements Contact Cathy Bius 214) 665-6456 or Helen Nguyen 214) 665-6458Contact Cathy Bius 214) 665-6456 or Helen Nguyen 214) 665-6458

14 FAQ Surfer Questions  Where do I go …. Dude? surf the web surf the web   Like, what am I going to find there? Everything you ever wanted to know about NetDMR Check this out too - About NetDMR, for Permittees Totally Awesome User Guide Really cool people Region 6 staff

15 First Person to Catch the Wave is……  Marsha Dupont

16 Questions that are technical in nature: Robert Houston 214) 665-8565 Sharon Haggard 214) 665-6472 Questions about NetDMR Helen Nguyen 214) 665-6458 Subscriber Agreements Judy Edelbrock 214) 665-8582 Darlene Whitten-Hill 214) 665-6636 Lifeguards are on duty

17 Catch the wave and you’ll be sitting on top of the World

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