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Medical Schools Council – What is widening participation? Clare Owen, Medical Schools Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Schools Council – What is widening participation? Clare Owen, Medical Schools Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Schools Council – What is widening participation? Clare Owen, Medical Schools Council

2 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem Widening participation – identifying and removing barriers to success? For healthcare – finding talent wherever it is? There will be different challenges for different professions Data collection is crucial to identify the problems

3 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine ‘medicine lags behind other professions both in the focus and in the priority it accords to these issues. It has a long way to go when it comes to making access fairer, diversifying its workforce and raising social mobility.’ Fair Access to the Professions, 2012 Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission

4 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine

5 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine

6 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine

7 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine Disability 5.9% of the general population received the disabled students allowance (DSA) 4.8% of students studying medicine, dental or veterinary science receive DSA

8 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine

9 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine 7% of the UK population is privately educated yet 31% of F1s identified themselves as being privately educated 80% of medicine applicants came from around only 20% of schools or colleges 50% of state schools have not had a single applicant for medicine in the last 3 years

10 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine

11 Medical Schools Council – Diagnosing the problem - medicine Conclusions From the data collected it appeared that social mobility or socio-economic background was the key issue we needed to address. Ethnicity is also an issue.

12 Medical Schools Council – Launched 10 December 2014

13 Medical Schools Council – Three pieces of research commissioned

14 Medical Schools Council – Supplementary material Four pieces of supplementary advice and guidance were also launched

15 Medical Schools Council – Structure of the report Five Chapters: Evidence Base Widening Participation The Role of the Doctor Selection Methods Implementation

16 Medical Schools Council – Evidence Base Main Focus: Presenting the current demographics of medical students across a number of different characteristics. Makes suggestions for improving data collection

17 Medical Schools Council – Widening Participation Main Focus: Analysis of the interventions that can help to widen participation including: Outreach Providing better information to applicants Work experience Alternative entry routes Contextualised admissions Supporting students

18 Medical Schools Council – The Role of the Doctor Main Focus: Setting out the values, skills and attributes needed to be a doctor Supported by a common statement for applicants that medical schools should also use in selection VBR

19 Medical Schools Council – Selection Methods Main Focus: Presenting the current evidence as to what are the most effective selection methods. Making suggestions for further research and policy development

20 Medical Schools Council – MSCSA work MMI working group established Engaging with qualification reform Research into contextual data in the process of being commissioned Research into selection methods - invitation to tender being finalised Establishing methods for monitoring and data collection on WP

21 Medical Schools Council – Questions

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