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EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, 25-27.02.2014 Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources Prototype in 2014 year Metadata catalogue WG7.

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2 EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, 25-27.02.2014 Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources Prototype in 2014 year Metadata catalogue WG7

3 EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, 25-27.02.2014 Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources Ethical issues: The most clear example: Risk Communication Industry = potential „damage-maker” Public = potentially „damage-receiver” EPOS IS TCS Hazard assessment services Hazard estimates are easly converted into „Risk information” Hazard estimates should be assessed and conveyed in a competent way  HA services cannot be fully public

4 EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, 25-27.02.2014 Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources Our duty is to prepare public and industry for proper understanding of hazard estimates IV PILLAR TASK of EPOS

5 EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, 25-27.02.2014 Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources o Every user should register EPOS ICS and TCS – first of all as a research platform facilitating InSilico experimentation Services are envisioned as open to all registered but the experimentation is located in a restricted area

6 EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, 25-27.02.2014 Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources o Industrial Partners owe and provide data – IS EPISODES They get: -Assess to all services -Tested solutions -Recommendations -Recognition from EPOS  It should be solved on the whole EPOS level

7 EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, 25-27.02.2014 Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources o Discrimination between the induced and natural seismicity o From time-dependent seismic hazard assessment to hazard management. Optimizing production for hazard control o IS as a characterization tool for production enhancement o Assessment and management of hazards induced by exploitation of georesources o Increasing awarness and understading of the hazards induced by exploitation of georesources

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