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The Latin West, 1200 - 1500 What do you think of when you hear Latin? Where do you think of when you hear Latin?

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Presentation on theme: "The Latin West, 1200 - 1500 What do you think of when you hear Latin? Where do you think of when you hear Latin?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Latin West, 1200 - 1500 What do you think of when you hear Latin? Where do you think of when you hear Latin?

2 City Growth and Problems  1200 Most Europeans were peasants (serfs)  Population of Europe doubles from 1000 – 1445  Opened new land that had poor soil quality to causing a decline in crop yields in 1250

3 The Black Death and Social Change  Ravaged Europe for 2 years from 1346-48 and periodically from 1300- 1400  Population decreased labor became more expensive ending serfdom  Living standards improved and incomes rose

4 Mines and Mills  1200 – 1500 Windmills and watermills introduced = increased profits  Mining, iron working, quarries, and “tanning” increase = water pollution and deforestation

5 City revival  Trade and manufacturing contributes to growth of cities (Mongol Empire)  Venetians capture Constantinople in 1204 opening trade to central Asia with the Mongols  Italy grows as a sea trading city.

6 Civic life  European cities=City-states= freedom an social mobility  Jewish people lived in most European cities ( diasporas ) and blamed for things like the “Black Death”, and expelled from Spain.  Guilds – groups of people in the same job or trade, regulated access to trade routes Women- Unskilled Non-Guild jobs  Growth in Commerce (Trade)--Medici Family in Florence rise as a banking family  Most money lenders were Jewish because the Catholic Church prohibited banking

7 Architecture  Gothic cathedrals were masterpieces of late medieval buildings  Marked by Gothic arches, high towers and spires, and large interiors lit by huge stained glass windows  Designers had no formal training, therefore learned through mistakes.

8 Learning, Literature, and Renaissance  After 1100 Western Europe had access to Greek and Arabic science and medicine  1200ce - colleges and universities emerge  Universities specialized in subjects. Most prominent was THEOLOGY  The main concern of HUMANISTS was education.

9 Humanists and Printers  Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer (Canterbury Tales) – Authors  Petrarch and Boccaccio  Johann Gutenberg – developed printing press 1454, 10 million printed works by 1500

10 Renaissance Artists  14 th and 15 th century depicted Greek and Roman Gods  Jan van Eyke’s development of realistic oil paintings  Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo  This rebirth started to happen all over the world

11 Political and Military Transformations  13 th century Europe had weak Monarchs with small treasuries  Development of armor piercing crossbow and firearms undermined the Knights  King Phillip the Fair of France reduced the power of the church when he arrested the pope and had a new (French) one installed  Norman invasion of England 1066 -> Magna Carta 1215 -> limited nobles power  Marriage alliances were formed to produce wars over inheritance


13 The Hundred Years War  France against England 1337 – 1453  King Edward III of England claimed the French throne  Military tech. – crossbow, longbow, pike, firearms, canon  French superior canon tech. Finally beat the English and made the French monarchy stronger than ever.  JOAN OF ARC

14 New Monarchies in France and England  New military technology makes the castle and the knight obsolete  After 100 years war stronger central governments  End of 15 th century power shifts from church to monarchs Parliament is created in England Estates-General created in France

15 Iberian Unification  Spain and Portugal emerge as strong states through marriage and reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims  Portugal established in 1249 and captured the Moroccan port of Ceuta opening TRANS- SAHARAN TRADE  Spain expelled all Muslims and Jews 1492

16 MAP Activity  TITLE = Europe 1200 – 1500  SHADE = Portugal, Spain, France, England, Italy  INCLUDE 15 SYMBOLS = like the printing press, renaissance, etc… in the key  ON THE BACK: INCLUDE A TIMELINE WITH 7 MAJOR EVENTS OR TIME PERIODS: THINK CONCRETE DETAILS. Create a Level-3 Question for Thursday

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