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The Story of how one urban district has begun to embark on having Librarians support Social Studies Teaching and Learning November 18, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of how one urban district has begun to embark on having Librarians support Social Studies Teaching and Learning November 18, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of how one urban district has begun to embark on having Librarians support Social Studies Teaching and Learning November 18, 2015

2  Nick Stamoulacatos Director of Professional Development Extension 1.315.435.4034 @C3Minded Your Connection to Social Studies

3  Purpose for Today  To identify how the Information Fluency Continuum and the role of school Librarians is critical and important to social studies instruction.  To understand the components of the Social Studies standards and the New York State Social Studies Toolkit  To explain and analyze how the Teacher Librarian and the Social Studies teacher will plan and collaborate with one another to enhance and promote engagement and civic action.

4   Coherence and guidance in what we are teaching through the library  High expectations for what our students should learn about finding and using information  Connection to social studies standards, literacy and technology Purpose of Information Fluency Continuum

5   Standard 1: Using Inquiry to Build Understanding = Shift 1 Asking Compelling and Supporting Questions, Shift 2 Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence  Standard 2: Pursuing Personal and Aesthetic Growth= Shift 2 Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence  Standard 3: Demonstrating Social Responsibility = Communicating Conclusions (Summative Assessment and Taking Informed Action IFC & Social Studies


7   What is the compelling question you are using for the unit or the inquiry?  What sources do you plan on using both primary and secondary, and how can I be of assistance to help you in this area?  How will you assess the students in communicating their conclusions and or taking informed action? Top three questions to ask a SS Teacher

8   The New York State Framework For Social Studies  The District Scope and Sequence  The New York State Social Studies Toolkit Top Three Documents To Help

9 Critical thinking skills comparing and contrasting ideas identifying cause and effect drawing inferences and making conclusions distinguishing fact and opinion Research skills getting information organizing information looking for patterns interpreting information analyzing information synthesizing information supporting a position Communication Skills giving oral and written explanations listening and responding Sequencing & Chronology Skills placing events in chronological order creating timelines Map and Globe Skills reading maps, legends, symbols and scales comparing maps and making inferences interpreting and analyzing different kinds of maps creating maps Graph and Image Analysis Skills decoding images (graphs, cartoons, paintings, photographs) interpreting graphs and other images drawing conclusions making predictions Skills Embedded in NYS Standards: A Partial List Adapted from Social Studies Instructional Strategies and Resources: Pre-kindergarten Through Grade 6

10 Together, you and the classroom teacher decide which skills need to be taught, where the skills will be taught (library or classroom) and by whom (librarian or classroom teacher). Information Fluency And Collaboration Go Hand In Hand

11   Lead your school in collaborative planning that integrates the teaching of information fluency throughout the curriculum.  Figure out which skills to teach and assess and which to scaffold in every lesson  Plan the implementation of the Benchmark Skills for all students What Can Librarians Do?

12   Order high quality resources  Collaborate with classroom teachers to co-teach  Align the implementation of the Benchmark Skills with your school’s goals and your students’ needs.  Collaborate with your administrator What Can Librarians Do? (Continued)

13 The Information Fluency Continuum The IFC provides a framework for inquiry. It breaks down the process into the indicators or specific skills necessary to carry out the inquiry experience. The NYS SS Toolkit is also a framework for inquiry, but it also focuses on social studies content, skills and practices needed at each grade level in social studies. In addition, it has specific inquiries laid out for teacher and librarian use A Marriage Made in Heaven

14 How did we align the IFC to our Social Studies Inquiries?

15  Grade 3 Example

16  Grade 8

17  Grades 6-12

18  Social Studies Matters

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