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Welcome to the Starz Conference March 2013. New proposals for Computing PoS How will you ensure you provide a child’s legal entitlement if the new proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Starz Conference March 2013. New proposals for Computing PoS How will you ensure you provide a child’s legal entitlement if the new proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Starz Conference March 2013

2 New proposals for Computing PoS How will you ensure you provide a child’s legal entitlement if the new proposal go ahead? Key Stage 1 pupils should be taught to: communicate safely and respectfully online, keeping personal information privatecommunicate safely and respectfully online, keeping personal information private, and recognise common uses of information technology beyond school Key Stage 1 pupils should be taught to: ; respect individuals and intellectual property; use technology responsibly, securely and safelydescribe how internet search engines find and store data; use search engines effectively; be discerning in evaluating digital content; respect individuals and intellectual property; use technology responsibly, securely and safely

3 . Key theme for the day……. Progressing from Awareness to Adoption of your Learning Platform Setting the scene ~ Moving forward activity Break Morning Breakout sessions 10.45am – 12.15pm Lunch Afternoon Breakout sessions 1.15 – 2.45 Action Planning Final Words and Tea

4 What the children said – Survey 2012 We would like: “To work with children in different schools” “Write a blog” “Send pictures to my friends” “An App so that it will work on my iPad” “I like the idea of being able to do your work on Starz but I don't know how to put work on the 'My Work' part.” “Do home work so you can e mail it to your teacher” “Contact people from other years” “Have an Online Book Club” "Could we have a junk filter that automaticly bins bad messages?”

5 . Share and Share alike!

6 Quiz Time- Starz usage since Sept 2012 1759654 236,800 747, 144 160,065 90,290 52,547 10,797 3,530 1,278 1,286 → emails sent → pupil logins → forum entries → staff logins → views to blogs → surveys created → blog entries → chat entries → video recordings → whistles blown

7 ICT in schools report 2008–11 “In the best examples, governors, staff, pupils and parents were all contributing to the development of the virtual learning environment and then using it for a variety of applications: planning; reporting to parents; accessing learning resources; assessment; newsletters; email and social networking. Pupils were able to upload their class work and homework, often using film and photographs, and they were proud of their material on the virtual learning environment. The virtual learning environment engaged them in learning outside the school day, and enabled their parents to play a more proactive role in supporting their children’s learning Pupils were able to upload their class work and homework, often using film and photographs, and they were proud of their material on the virtual learning environment. The virtual learning environment engaged them in learning outside the school day, and enabled their parents to play a more proactive role in supporting their children’s learning……..”

8 Inspecting Esafety Sept 2012 Recommendations for schools provide an age-related, comprehensive curriculum for e-safety that enables pupils to become safe and responsible users of new technologies

9 ACE Scheme Accredited Competence in Esafety ACE Scheme Accredited Competence in Esafety A careful balancing act, which recognises children’s online experiences ‘in the round’, is vital." LSA, EU Kids Online

10 Me and My Identity Connecting With Others Exchanging and Sharing Information Finding Things Out MUST SHOULD COULD Progression Themes Tasks

11 In Starz pupils become members of their school’s ACE community and are given Tasks!

12 Being safe online and behaving responsibly are important aspects of using the internet effectively. ACE is a scheme for children in Cambridgeshire to show that they are adopting safe behaviours and deserve to be awarded the Accredited Competence in E-Safety.

13 ‘In their own words’ ‘In their own words’ ~report from EU kids online

14 Picture links to: Wikipedia Collaboration VideoWikipedia Collaboration Video

15 Dimensions of change VisionSkillsIncentivesResourcesAction PlansVisionSkillsIncentivesAction PlansFrustration VisionSkillsIncentivesResources False Starts VisionSkillsResourcesAction PlansSlow ChangeSkillsIncentivesResourcesAction PlansConfusionVisionIncentivesResourcesAction PlansAnxiety Jacqueline S. Thousand & Richard A. Villa Managing Complex Change; 2001 Success If we have this …………..………………………………………………. We have this

16 Continuing to use Steps to Adoption

17 Use Steps to Adoption Document Your task… Before the break Use Steps to Adoption Document Tick what you have achieved Question mark what you think could work in your school with your colleagues Note down how you might be able to achieve this Add to this as you move through the workshops ? Keep Dimensions of Change in mind

18 Workshops Daily Impact of Starz in the Classroom Terrence Suite Craig Thompson Challenging and Manageable Discussions John Letters Suite( back) Linda Ward Planning Progress and Breadth John Letters Suite( front) Richard Riley Home Grown Collaboration Trevino Suite Jo Puckering

19 Final words – look in the Starz conference area for conference resources Action Planning - choose three ‘things’ you could do next term Questions

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