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THE HEADLINES. Testing Code of Ethics Training 2014 - 2015.

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12 Testing Code of Ethics Training 2014 - 2015

13 When properly administered and interpreted, test results provide an independent, uniform source of reliable and valid information… The test results fail to provide an independent, uniform source of reliable and valid information. The results… Tests are not always administered properly. Wrong students Inconsistent procedures Rule violations Mishandling materials What goes wrong on the school level… Our effort to combat this problem... Being trained on and following the North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics


15 Assuring adequate security of testing materials & student confidentiality SECURITY Teaching the curriculum, training staff, and providing appropriate environment PREPARATION Implementing fair & ethical testing practices ADMINISTRATION 2 1 33 44 Properly interpreting test results & confidentially reporting scores

16 ALL STAFF MEMBERSTESTING COORDINATOR Making copies of the test booklets to use for tutorial/re-test purposes Anyone besides the testing coordinator (or whoever Mr. Jones appoints) counting and distributing test materials Allowing students to work on the wrong section of a test Allowing students to carry their test materials EXAMPLES OF VIOLATION *Items highlighted in yellow are areas in need of improvement for the 2014-2015 school year. *Items highlighted in blue are areas of achievement for the 2014-2015 school year.

17 ALL STAFF MEMBERSTESTING COORDINATOR Providing a student a testing accommodation that is not documented Not allowing students to use testing accommodations Testing a student who is not required to take a test Administering a student the wrong test Administering tests without having appropriate training EXAMPLES OF VIOLATION *Items highlighted in yellow are areas in need of improvement for the 2014-2015 school year. *Items highlighted in blue are areas of achievement for the 2014-2015 school year.

18 ALL STAFF MEMBERSTESTING COORDINATOR Failing to keep accurate time during test administrations Not taking down content-related posters Failing to properly monitor the room Causing distractions and interruptions Allowing proctors to read the test directions Paraphrasing test directions or answer choices Having prohibited items EXAMPLES OF VIOLATION *Items highlighted in yellow are areas in need of improvement for the 2014-2015 school year. *Items highlighted in blue are areas of achievement for the 2014-2015 school year.

19 ALL STAFF MEMBERSTESTING COORDINATOR Announcing individual students’ scores for the class or passing around personally identifiable information Failing a student solely because of his exam score Sending scores via email No one waiting at the fax machine to receive scores EXAMPLES OF VIOLATION *Items highlighted in orange are both achievements and areas for improvement for the 2014-2015 year. *Items highlighted in blue are areas of achievement for the 2014-2015 school year.

20 DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE!!! 1.Encouraging students to be absent the day of testing 2.Encouraging students not to do their best because of the purposes of the test 3.Using secure items or modified secure test items for instruction 4.Changing student responses at any time 5.Interpreting, explaining, or paraphrasing the test directions or the test items 6.Reclassifying students solely for the purpose of avoiding state testing 7.Not testing all eligible students 8.Failing to provide needed modifications during testing 9.Modifying scoring programs 10.Modifying student records solely for the purpose of raising test scores 11.Using a single test score to make individual decisions 12.Misleading the public concerning the results and interpretations of test data

21 The Steps for Reporting a Problem Issues or Concerns? Immediately call the main office using the white phone (#) Ms. Raynor must report any allegation of a testing violation to the Accountability Office. Only the Office of Accountability has the authority to declare misadministrations. When a misadministration is declared… Affected students must be administered another secure form of the test Only scores from a valid test administration will be included in students’ records An account of the teacher’s actions will go into his/her professional file

22 Testing violations have consequences

23 Let’s Check Out the Site! Look under your seat! If you have a sticker, you are the winner of a poster for your classroom!

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