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La Crouzade. We are going to present you our traditionnal dance, which is La Crouzade. It is a bourée d'Auvergne, which comes from the Massif Central.

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Presentation on theme: "La Crouzade. We are going to present you our traditionnal dance, which is La Crouzade. It is a bourée d'Auvergne, which comes from the Massif Central."— Presentation transcript:

1 La Crouzade

2 We are going to present you our traditionnal dance, which is La Crouzade. It is a bourée d'Auvergne, which comes from the Massif Central. Crouzade means « croix », « cross », it reminds some steps contained in the dance. To dance, we need four or eight performers. There are two traditional instruments, the vielle ( the hurdy-gurdy) and the cornemuse (the bagpipe)

3 La Crouzade is a dance of seduction, there is a game of look between men and women. It is a popular dance that we find in many region, however they have their own style and their own choreography. Unfortunately it is a dance less and less known and performed, because there are a few people who practise it and who teach it.

4 Some traditional french dances : - First, a « danse bretonne »

5 Then, a « danse auvergnate »

6 A « danse alsacienne »

7 Thank you for your attention !

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