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SHAREHOLDER UPDATE – ROADSHOWS MARCH 2009. 2 1. Objectives 2. Highlights of 2008 3. Net asset value 4. Reserve shares 5. Dividends 6. Restrictions 7.

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Presentation on theme: "SHAREHOLDER UPDATE – ROADSHOWS MARCH 2009. 2 1. Objectives 2. Highlights of 2008 3. Net asset value 4. Reserve shares 5. Dividends 6. Restrictions 7."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 1. Objectives 2. Highlights of 2008 3. Net asset value 4. Reserve shares 5. Dividends 6. Restrictions 7. Trading in Eyomhlaba 8. What happens at end? 9. AGM 10. ABIL 11. Questions ???? Contents

3 3 ABIL is a signatory to the Financial Sector Charter (FSC) FSC minimum target 10% direct black ownership by 2010 Eyomhlaba formed in 2005 as ABIL’s first BEE scheme Eyomhlaba structured with low borrowings to increase its ability to succeed in Masonge was formed in 2008 after ABIL issued shares to buy Ellerine Holdings Ltd Eyomhlaba and Masonge now targeting to own at least 10% of ABIL by 2015 Current combined shareholding of ABIL by Eyomhlaba and Masonge is 6.3% Objectives of Eyomhlaba

4 Current position as at 28 February 2009 4 Directors & employees 47% Other black individuals 53% EYOMHLABA 4.5% ABIL

5 Current holding at 28 February 2009 5 Eyomhlaba shareholding millions ABIL shares issued to BEE entity at par 20.2 ABIL shares purchased in open market utilising borrowings and shareholder subscriptions (IPO) 5.4 ABIL shares purchased in open market utilising dividend income rights offer and private placement proceeds10.5 Total ABIL ordinary shares held by Eyomhlaba 36.1 Total ABIL shares in issue 804.2 Eyomhlaba's direct shareholding in ABIL 4.5%

6 6 Highlights Highlights during 2008 o Dividends received of R73.5m o Purchased 2 633 692 ABIL shares at average cost of R27.86 per share o Declared dividends on ordinary shares Cash flows since inception to 29 February 2009 o Raised R93,7m from shareholders o Received R233,1m of dividends on ABIL shares o Paid interest on borrowing of R48.6m

7 Net asset value (NAV) 7

8 Reserve shares Issued during 2008 – Black employee 218 604 shares at R2.58 per share (discount of 85% to NAV) – New black non-executive director of ABIL 84 570 shares at R4.73 per share (discount of 72% to NAV) Remaining reserve is 3 197 459 shares Only issue to ABIL new black employees and non-executive directors 8

9 Calculation of the maximum dividend 9 Calculation of the maximum dividend that may be declared by Eyomhlaba 1. Weighted average price at which ordinary shares have been issued since incorporation Ordinary share capital per AFSR93,712,542 No. of ordinary shares in issue40,052,541 Weighted average price R 2.34 Div limit based on average price 5%R 0.12 2. 10% of dividends received ex ABIL Total dividends received ex ABIL during the yearR73,505,902 Less: Capitalisation issue receipts0 R73,505,902 Maximum that can be declared as an ordinary dividend10%R7,350,590 No. of ordinary shares in issue40,052,541 Dividend limit based on ABIL dividends received R 0.18 3. Maximum ordinary dividend that may be declared per Eyomhlaba articles Lesser of 1 and 2 aboveR 0.12 No. of ordinary shares in issue40,052,541 Maximum aggregate ordinary dividend payableR 4,685,627 R12.00 for every 100 Eyomhlaba shares

10 Ordinary dividend FICA requirements – Certified copy of identity document – Certified proof of residence or affidavit – Bank confirmation of shareholder’s bank account – Return ASAP Payable on 22 May 2009 10

11 Restrictions on trading Eyomhlaba shares No pledge/security of shares No trade before 1 January 2011 Allowed trade of one third of total owned in each of – 2011 – 2012 – 2013 Only to black persons Over the counter (OTC) basis 11

12 What happens at end of empowerment period? 12 Empowerment period ends 31 December 2015 Eyomhlaba shareholders will receive ABIL shares Eyomhlaba will settle borrowings, pay taxes and costs and then be liquidated If distribution were to be done today, each Eyomhlaba shareholder would receive approximately 65 ABIL shares for every 100 Eyomhlaba shares owned After Dec 2015 shareholders are free to deal with their ABIL shares e.g. sell, pledge, cede, donate, transfer to family trust, etc. Dividends from ABIL shares will then be paid directly to shareholders

13 Shareholders and your Annual General Meeting Purpose of AGM Benefits of attending AGM Ordinary resolutions to be considered at the AGM: –Directors authority to issue the un-issued ordinary and preference shares. Permission valid until the next AGM –AS Mabogoane, TM Sokutu and N Nalliah resign as directors in terms of the Articles offer themselves for re-election Routine business to be considered by shareholders at the AGM: –Consider annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 –To consider re-appointment of the auditors, Nkonki Inc –To authorize the directors to determine the remuneration of the auditors. 13

14 Shareholders and your Annual General Meeting - Proxy forms 14 Eyomhlaba Investment Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 2005/005827/06) (" Eyomhlaba " or “ the Company ”) FORM OF PROXY Instructions: For use by Eyomhlaba shareholders at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Eyomhlaba, to be held at 10h00 at the Johanneburg Civic Theatre, 158 Loveday Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg on 4 April 2009.. Please note that, while preference shareholders are entitled to attend and speak a t the annual general meeting, either in person or represented by proxy, preference shareholders shall not be entitled to vote, either in person or by proxy, at the annual general meeting. Accordingly, any aspect of this proxy form regarding voting does not apply to the preference shareholders. If any preference shareholder completes any part of the voting instructions below, those instructions will not apply and will be disregarded.

15 Shareholders and your Annual General Meeting - Proxy forms (cont.) 15

16 Shareholders and your Annual General Meeting - Proxy forms (cont.) 16 Yes No Abstain Ordinary resolution number – Giving directors general permission to allot and unissued shares Re-elect the following directors  Ashely Sefako Mabogoane  Thamsanqa Mthunzi Sokutu Ordinary resolution number 2  Nithiananthan Nalliah and generally to act as my/our proxy at the said annual general meeting of shareholders. (Tick whichever is applicable If no directions are given, the proxy will be entitled to vote or to abstain from voting, as that proxy deems fit.) Signed at on 2009 Signature(of shareholder) Assisted by (where applicable) Each shareholder is entitled to appoint one or more proxies (who need not be a shareholder/s of Eyomhlaba ) to attend and speak (and, where such shareholder is an ordinary shareholder, vote) in place of that shareholder at the annualgeneral meeting of shareholders. Please read the notes on the reverse side hereof.

17 ABIL’s strategic priorities for 2009 Grow the business to significant scale with target loan book of R25 billion Use growth to reduce the cost of credit to our customers, expand ability to take more risk and thereby grow and widen existing target client base Offer existing and potential clients more convenient access to credit products based on client needs, whilst being more affordable than other credit providers, and Entrench ABIL’s role as the leading provider of unsecured personal loans/credit in South Africa 17

18 Thank you QUESTIONS ??????

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