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ETA Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics December, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "ETA Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics December, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETA Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics December, 2015

2 ETA Accidents- 12/15 TypeDateDiv.DescriptionSeverityStatus No ETA accidents reported in December

3 ETA Accidents- By Type

4 ETA Accidents- Severity

5 ETA Emergency Incidents- 12/15 DateIncidentAreaStatus There were no reported ETA emergency incidents in December

6 ETA Ergonomic Assessments- By Month

7 Open ETA Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Div.TypeStatus 11/6/15EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 10/6/15ESDRPreventativeActions Pending 9/24/15ESDRDiscomfortActions Pending 8/17/15BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending

8 ETA Incomplete Training Assignments

9 Training % Completion Status

10 Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 61 )

11 Training Assignments Due (Total = 61) Open Assignments by DivisionOpen Assignments by Hire Date

12 ETA Training Assignments Due

13 ETA Activity Manager Status (110 Total Work Activities)

14 ETA “Activity Manager” Assignments ETA Total Personnel- 694

15 Electrical Equipment Inspection Failure Status (Red Dot) Equipment listed in the EEIP database as “failed” and requires repair prior to use.

16 ETA Failed Electrical Equipment Status (1/4/15) BarcodeBuildingRoomEquipment NameResponsible PersonDIV 4196170289PumpDestaillats, HugoEAEI 3877770289BlowerMaddalena, RandyEAEI 289270173 Power Supply- Disassembled. Waiting for inspector to verify and close.Therkelsen, PeterBTUS 5157170143Electronic Stage DriverWeber, AdamESDR

17 Electrical Equipment Inspection Failure Status (Yellow Tag) Equipment listed in the EEIP database as “Conditionally Authorized” and requires minor repair within 120 days.

18 Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 12/15 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus 98194/17/15Transfer of ownership for existing radiation authorization when PI retires R. Scholtz/ HRHR exit checkout sheet modified to account for change in ownership. 98818/31/15Ensure all glove boxes are NRTL approved or EEIP inspected. R. ScholtzSelf-assessment action item 98828/31/15Ensure all glove boxes have hazard and e-power information affixed. R. ScholtzSelf-assessment action item 989910/8/15Proper storage of round bottom reaction flasks in 62-308 B. McCloskeySelf-assessment action item ORPS10/21/1570-295 pressure reactor explosion incident W. Wells/R. Scholtz/E. Cairns Formal LBNL incident investigation completed. Corrective Actions being developed by EHS.

19 Audits and Inspection Status- 12/15 TypeDateLeadStatus Quarterly SAA Inspections 1/16R. ScholtzScheduled for 1/28/16 DOE Lab Area NFPA 45 Chemical Safety Walkthrough 11/16/15DOE/BSOCompleted. Report distributed.

20 Significant Safety Achievements- 12/15 All Work Activities associated with the B33 JCESR lab area have been transferred over to the Materials Sciences Division. Spill kits have been established in all ESDR lab areas located in Building 62. Work has started on the 62-316 hydrogen enclosure safety improvements. Several meetings were held with Fire Protection and EHS regarding needs. A quote was obtained for hydrogen monitoring and interlocks. All chemicals were removed from the 70-123 lab area. They were either moved to B33 or disposed. Another old sample/chemical clean-out was performed in the 62-220 hood area. A draft glove box operation/maintenance procedure was developed for PI review. This includes a “glove box information sheet” for posting on all glove boxes. Efforts were made in closing out some “conditionally approved” electrical equipment. Other items, such as hood repairs, are in progress.

21 Short Term Safety Outlook 12/15 Provide follow-up regarding the 70-295 pressure reactor incident as required. The incident review committee report with proposed corrective actions will be issued shortly. Provide follow-up on the corrective actions identified during the recent division stand downs. This mainly involves disposal of old or defective equipment. Continue to address ETA equipment on the electrical equipment “conditionally authorized” and “failed” lists. Ensure the 62-316 furnace hood is safe to operate for planned research using hydrogen. Complete CATS items identified from glove box self-assessment project. Assist in the set-up of lab area 70-123 for Cyclotron Road. Conduct a quarterly SAA hazardous waste inspection of ETA areas.

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