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AODA 1.Cooking today!! Put your books away, its time to eat! 2.Discussion 3.Posters 4.Experiment 5.Test Questions/Music 6.Pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "AODA 1.Cooking today!! Put your books away, its time to eat! 2.Discussion 3.Posters 4.Experiment 5.Test Questions/Music 6.Pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 AODA 1.Cooking today!! Put your books away, its time to eat! 2.Discussion 3.Posters 4.Experiment 5.Test Questions/Music 6.Pictures

2 AODA- Discussion Question: If people know what is inside a cigarette, why do they buy them? –Answer: They are addicted. Question: If tobacco companies know what is inside a cigarette, why do they sell them? Answer: They want to make money!!

3 Drugs affect everyone the same way? True or False? False. Very few things affect everybody the same way. Let’s do an experiment. Holding your breath!!

4 AODA Test Questions 1. Name 3 organs harmed by smoking. Brain, Heart and Lungs 2. Nicotine is found in…. a. Tobacco b. Coffee c. Most foods d. A, b and c


6 AODA Dangers of Smoking

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