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Ch. 9&10 RAP SarahBeth Walker. Ergonomics  The study of and development of furniture, tools, & systems that promote productivity in a safe & hearlthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 9&10 RAP SarahBeth Walker. Ergonomics  The study of and development of furniture, tools, & systems that promote productivity in a safe & hearlthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 9&10 RAP SarahBeth Walker

2 Ergonomics  The study of and development of furniture, tools, & systems that promote productivity in a safe & hearlthy way.

3 Ergonomic Checklist  Monitor Placement  Chair Adjustment  Desk Height  Keyboard and Mouse Placement

4 Repetitive Strain Injuries  Occur during computer use  Tendonitis – the inflammation, irritation, or swelling of the tendons.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – the median nerve of the hand becomes compressed at about the location of the wrist, causing numbness, tingling, and pain in the thumb and side of the hand.

5 Resolution  Clarity of an image or letter related to the number of dots per square inch

6 Computer vision syndrome  Occurs due to the inability of your eyes to maintain focus on items on the screen.

7 Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs)  A document that clearly outlines what is and is not acceptable behavior, as well as the consequences of unacceptable behaviors.  Often created by a committee of school board personnel, administrators, teachers, parents, students, etc.  Common elements: overview, glossary, purpose of technology use, rights and responsibilities of the district, examples of acceptable/unacceptable use, consequences.

8 Fair Use  The part of the U.S. copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the copyright holder. Criteria:  The purpose and character of the use, including whether it is of a commercial or nonprofit educational nature/purpose.  The nature of the copyrighted work.  The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.  The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work.

9 Public Domain  Materials which may be freely used and distributed.

10 Academic Integrity  Plagiarism  Cheating  Keeping Data secure  Directory Information – information which is contained in an education record that generally would not be considered harmful, or an invasion of privacy.  Password Security

11 Phishing  Malevolent spam seeking to steal your identity, access bank accounts, or attempt face-to-face contact.

12 Malware  Malicious software contained in spam which can cause significant harm to one or more computers.  Virus – software program which can attach itself to another program, replicate itself, and cause damage to software or data on the computer.  Worm – does not need to be attached to another software program, but can replicate themselves and spread across a network and install a “backdoor”  Trojan horse – doesn’t replicate; can cause severe damage to a single computer by deleting all the data stored there or causing the computer to turn itself off immediately after booting up.  Steganography- hidden in text files or pictures.

13 Firewalls  installed to help protect an entire network or single computer.

14 Proxy servers  Software applications that perform several functions, including filtering and storing Internet content.

15 Portable Web Pages  A classroom-based option that allows teachers and students to visit websites and store them on a local computer for future use.

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