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Re-fun-ution: Get it started! by Team Tsambur: Lyuba Guerassimova.

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Presentation on theme: "Re-fun-ution: Get it started! by Team Tsambur: Lyuba Guerassimova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-fun-ution: Get it started! by Team Tsambur: Lyuba Guerassimova

2 Fun Work: Could that Be? We work, and work, and work… ….We are adults and have to take care of our family… ……….We have no time for ourselves, no time to ask questions, we just have to get the work done, get the money, buy food and clothes… What happened to happiness?

3 …what fun have you had recently? I won’t go to PE class, only losers to this, I have to go the mall to get the cute earrings I like so much. (Viki, student) I wish I choreographer would be my only job, so I would have time to come up with great creative dances. (Maria, dance instructor) My back has been hurting for years, and I wish I could have more time to go hiking and heal it. (Ventsi, architect) There is no time for fun for me, I just want my children to be happy. (Pepi, cleaning lady) I have enough fun in my life: I am constantly in contact with people, and I love it when they smile. (Ana, doctor)

4 Envision Dreamland Work 3-5 years at your regular job & have 1-2 years for yourself, for fun projects, for community work! Feel better, healthier, happier! Help others and help yourself! Engage, socialize, be compassionate and give a purpose to what you do! Have a nap, a dance class, do some pottery, and go for a hike! Read a book in quiet, meet fun people! What’s the catch? Nothing; I’m just letting you know what future you could live in. If you would like that.

5 Kiva founder Jessica Jackley and tribes specialist David Logan will be another simultaneous goal for my interview, and I would attempt to reach each three of them through organizations they were in contact with, as well as their own organizational websites.

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