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Welcome to Parent Information Night A to Z about First Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Information Night A to Z about First Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Information Night A to Z about First Grade

2 A is for… About Mrs. Stickell Absences –If your child is absent please send an excuse note when he/she returns. –If you would like to pick up homework you may call the office and I will try to have it ready by 3:30. Arrival –Learning begins at 8:05 so please have your child here promptly at that time. –If your child arrives before 7:55 please remind them to sit in the gym where supervision is available. –If your child arrives after 8:05 please have them go to the office for assistance.

3 A is for… Appointments –Please pick up your child from the office instead of from the classroom. The office will call down to the classroom for your child to be sent to the office to meet you.

4 B is for… Breakfast –Served from 7:30-7:55 –Menus are on the school website. Behavior –Please communicate with your child the classroom and school behavior expectations. –If your child brings home a behavior note, please discuss it with them. Birthday Treats –Birthdays are celebrated at the end of the day. Please let me know if your child would like to bring treats. Book Order –They will be available throughout the year.

5 C is for… Conferences –P/T Conferences will be in October Communication –It is important to communicate with your child about what he/she is doing at school. Red Communication Folder –Needs to be returned daily –This is a great tool to keep the communication lines open between home and school.

6 D is for… Dismissal –Children will be dismissed at 3:15. –Please arrange a designated meeting spot. –Let me know of any changes in the regular pick-up routine.

7 E is for… Email –

8 F is for… Field Trip –First grade will have a field trip in the spring. I will need two parent/guardian volunteers to come along and help supervise groups of students on the field trip. Please let me know if you would like to go. If more than two volunteers express interest I will place names in a hat for the students to draw two names.

9 G is for… Giving Tree –There will be a giving tree located in the hallway or my classroom for items to donate throughout the year.

10 H is for… Homework Folder –Any homework your child has will come home in this folder. –Homework is never something new. It is a reinforcement of something that has already been taught. –Homework should always be returned the following day.

11 I is for… Important Things to Remember About Your First Grader –We need to build upon small successes. –Each child will progress at his/her own rate. –Acquiring skills as he or she is developmentally ready.

12 J is for… Just Right Books –First graders will be learning how to pick out appropriate books to read at their desks by using the 5 finger test. I: choose a book P: urpose-Why do I Want to read it? I: nterest- Does it interest me? C: omprehend- Am I understanding what I am reading? K: now- I know most of the words I wonder…. I’m visualizing…..

13 K is for… Kindness –Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect at all times.

14 L is for… Lunch Money –Please send lunch money on Mondays in their red folder in an envelope with their name on it. –If you have any questions about your child’s lunch account, please call Food and Nutrition Services at 274-4789. –Please discuss the lunch menu with your child so they know what the A and B choices are.

15 M is for… Mottos –Be the Best You Can Be –We Can Make Things Happen –The Expert In Anything Was Once a Beginner Mailboxes –If your child brings home another child’s mail please return it to school.

16 N is for… Newsletter –I will either send out a newsletter on a regular basis or there will be a newsletter posted on my webpage.

17 O Is for… Oops Slip –This is just a friendly reminder that your first grader forgot to bring something back to school. Outside Recess –First grade has 3 recesses per day. Please make sure you child is dressed appropriately for the weather (keeping a jacket in your child’s book bag is helpful with air conditioning and room temperature also).

18 P is for… PTO –Please show support and appreciation by volunteering for PTO whenever possible. –They provide many great opportunities for our students. Pizza Hut Book-It Program –This is an optional program. –Please help your child be responsible for filling out the form and returning it to school. –The book it program begins in October.

19 Q is for… Questions –If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me at school (274-4129). You may call the office at any time to ask them to transfer you through to my classroom voicemail. I will also check my e-mail before school and after school if you prefer e-mail ( –If you need to reach me after school hours you may call me at home at 274-3142 (before 9:00).

20 R is for… Responsibility –Responsibility is a team effort between home and school. –Responsibility is a trait that will help your first grader throughout his/her entire school career. –Responsibility can be taught through completing homework, returning paperwork to school as needed, and keeping school papers and homework supplies organized at home.

21 S is for… Schedule –There is a schedule located near my room and in the Open House Packet. Snack –Your child may bring their “ready to eat” snack to school. Subjects –Brochure Provided –AR and Math Facts

22 T is for… Thank You –Thanks for being a partner in you child’s education. I am excited about this school year and learning more about your child.

23 U is for… Unique –Each child in our classroom is special and unique and will work at things at their own rate. –Differentiated learning will be used so that all children’s needs are met.

24 V is for… Parent Volunteers –Volunteers are always welcomed. If you would like to be a guest speaker or can come to work individually with a student(s) on a regular basis please let me know. –There is a holiday party sign up sheet located in our classroom. Please feel free to sign up to help with a holiday party or send party treats/supplies.

25 W is for… Winter Weather –Snow pants, snow boots, gloves, hats, and scarves are necessary all winter. Don’t forget inside shoes (children are not allowed to go in snow if their boots are the only shoes they have) as well as snow boots. –The children go outside most days during the winter. Occasionally administration will announce the temperature or wind chill is too cold and we will stay in, but plan on your child being outside most days.

26 X is for… eXtras –PE-extra athletic shoes/tennis shoes are required –Music –Library-bring books back every Tuesday –Guidance

27 Y is for… Your Role As A Partner In Education –Learning is a partnership between school, teacher, students, and parents.

28 Z is for… Zzzzzzs –Always make sure your child gets a good night sleep.

29 Thank you for coming to Parent Information Night!!

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