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National Holidays Kayla Baldinger IDT 3600. Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 1 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to have.

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Presentation on theme: "National Holidays Kayla Baldinger IDT 3600. Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 1 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to have."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Holidays Kayla Baldinger IDT 3600

2 Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 1 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to have the student understand the importance of National Holidays. Learning Objective: Given the information on this PowerPoint and information from the hyperlink provided TLW be able to complete all the activities within the PowerPoint with 100% accuracy. Content Standard: 1.39 Use informational text to help describe the importance of celebrating these national holidays; Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, and Thanksgiving

3 What is a National Holiday ? Name your favorite holiday! But…..what exactly is a holiday, can you tell me ? Wait…then what does is mean to be a National Holiday? Can you name some National Holiday’s? **We will discuss these questions out loud**

4 Martin Luther King Jr. What day is Martin Luther King Jr. Day ? - January 18 th Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? -A preacher -A Civil Rights Leader -Turn around and take 2 minutes to tell your neighbor anything else you know about Martin Luther King Jr. **We will discuss some of these ideas aloud** Why is MLK Day important to us ? -Write down two reasons you think we celebrate MLK Day **We will discuss out loud together** Now let’s watch this short video about Martin Luther King Jr. as a class! -

5 President’s Day When do we celebrate President’s Day? -February 15th What is the President ? -The leader of the United States if America Who is the current President? -Barack Obama Why do we celebrate Presidents? -Talk with you neighbor about your ideas **We will discuss as a class** What exactly do we celebrate on Presidents day ? -PRESIDENTS!!! Let’s take this quick quiz as a class!

6 Memorial Day When do we celebrate Memorial Day? -Last Monday of May What do we celebrate on Memorial Day? - The men and women who have fought and lost their lives during a war. Why do you think this is important, and what are something's you can do to celebrate? **We will discuss these out loud together by raising hands**

7 Independence Day When is Independence Day? - July 4 Independence Day is America’s Birthday! We celebrate this day because our country is very important to us. Why do you think out country is very important? ** We will discuss** What do you call Independence Day? -Fourth of July

8 Independence Day Cont’d Go to the website below and read the facts about Independence Day, then take 10 minutes to draw a picture of what you do to celebrate the fourth of July and write down why it is an important holiday. celebrate-the-fourth-of-july-4th-of-july-facts- for-kids/

9 Columbus Day What is Columbus Day ? Who is Christopher Columbus? -Explorer -Found America, but he didn’t know! When is Columbus Day ? -Second Monday in October Discuss with your partner why it is important to celebrate Christopher Columbus? **We will discuss this out loud**

10 Veterans’ Day When do we celebrate Veterans’ Day? -November 11 th What is Veteran’s day? -Is a day to celebrate men and women who have fought in war Do you know a veteran? **We will discuss this out loud**

11 Thanksgiving When do we celebrate Thanksgiving? -The last Thursday of November What started Thanksgiving? 7QMU Why is important to be thankful for the things we have on Thanksgiving? **We will discuss as a class**

12 Holiday Fun Get into groups of 2 or 3 and tell each other what your families do for all of these holidays. If you do not celebrate a certain holiday talk about ways you could celebrate.

13 Wrap it Up Write down the answers to these questions. Today we talked about __________ _________? ___________ is to celebrate the first feast between Indians and Pilgrims. ___________ is to celebrate the leaders of our country. _________ is to celebrate living war heroes, but __________ is to celebrate heroes who died. __________ is to honor the civil rights leader. ___________ is to celebrate when America was found! The day we celebrate America’s Birthday is called ________.

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