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Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technology Needs Assessment in Support of Climate Change Action ACPC African Climate Policy Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technology Needs Assessment in Support of Climate Change Action ACPC African Climate Policy Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technology Needs Assessment in Support of Climate Change Action ACPC African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) Climate Change Meets Policy Economic Commission for Africa

2 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Outline Broad climate context Technological challenge of climate change Technology as part of climate policy making Key principles and objectives of a technology needs assessment Key steps to conduct a technology needs assessment

3 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Broad Programme Context The ACPC has three broad areas of activity: 1.Knowledge generation, sharing and networking 2.Advocacy and consensus building 3.Advisory services and capacity mobilisation

4 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Broad Programme Context Guided by “Development First” principle –Providing insights on development and climate change nexus, action oriented research, policy and practice Programme Targets –Transformative development of Africa –Climate resilient socio-economy and ecosystems –Low carbon pathways

5 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) ( Smith et al. 2009 PNAS) Updated Reasons for Concern EU 2°C-Guardrail

6 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet)...costs attributed to CC will rise over time Source: Preliminary runs of FUND for the UNEP AdaptCost and EC ClimateCost projects

7 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet)

8 560 million sub-Saharan Africans lack access to electricity..and the region needs energy to keep growing..

9 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Africa is has a huge hydro-power potential..

10 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Holistic approach and concerted and differentiated actions are required Least Developed Countries Emerging Economies & EITs Developed Countries More adaptation growing mitigation Adaptation & mitigation More mitigation less adaptation Training Institutional support Information support R&D support Collaborative R&D Technology Partnership & Networking Technology facilitation and Partnerships Annual per capita Income $1200 $7000 550 PPMV 450 PPMV Corridor of sustainable development & stabilization of GHGs Per capita GHG emissions (concentrations)

11 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technological challenge of climate change To reach the goal of 2 o C limit, energy-related CO 2 emissions need to peak globally by 2020 and then decline sharply in 203 But based on government policies and measures enacted or adopted by mid-2009 - in 2030 world primary energy demand will be 40% higher than in 2007. 90% of this increase is expected to take place in non-OECD countries In addition, 77% of the worldwide energy demand increase will be based on using fossil fuels. At the same time, 1.3 billion people will still lack access to electricity in 2030 Within this context successful and reliable accelerated development and transfer of environmentally sound mitigation technologies are crucial and central

12 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technological challenge of climate change Estimated that the additional financing needs will be in range of $262–670 billion per year, which is around three to four times greater than the current global investment levels in energy technologies (EGTT, 2009a). Of this amount, USD 100 - 400 billion annually is needed in developing countries –Africa - $13-26b/yr Mitigating GHG emissions is only one aspect of climate policy Equally important will be the need to reduce countries’ vulnerability to climate change impacts –Africa - $11-21b/year

13 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) 13 The global context of Technology Transfer Technology transfer is considered to be a key element in combating climate change under the UNFCCC. TT - Necessary for realization of global cooperation Important element in all multi-lateral environmental agreements (MEAs) TT includes several phases of technology development, deployment, dissemination, adoption and “domestication” TT is one of the pillars of the Bali Action Plan endorsed by UNFCCC COP in 2007 and is now one of the negotiations tracks for post Kyoto 13/01/2016Eng. Hussain Makki-NOGA

14 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technology as part of climate policy making “The developed countries and other developed countries in Annex II shall take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of or access to environmentally sound technologies and know how to other Parties, particularly developing country Parties, to enable them to implement the provisions of the Convention.”… Article 4.5 “The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement their commitments under the Convention will depend on the effective implementation by developed country Parties of their commitments related to financial resources and transfer of technology…” Article 4.7

15 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technology as part of climate policy making The Parties reached a consensus at COP7: To adopt the framework for meaningful and effective actions to enhance the implementation of Art. 4.5 of the Convention. To establish an Expert Group on Technology Transfer. To provide financial support to TT activities through GEF climate change focal area and the special climate change fund.

16 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Technology Transfer Framework Five key themes and areas are: –Technology needs and needs assessments –Technology information –Enabling environments –Capacity Building –Mechanisms for technology transfer

17 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Key principles & objectives of TNA To identify and prioritize, through country-driven participatory processes, technologies that can contribute to mitigation and adaptation goals of the participant countries, while meeting their national sustainable development goals and priorities (TNA). To identify barriers hindering the acquisition, deployment, and diffusion of prioritized technologies. To develop Technology Action Plans (TAP) specifying prioritized technologies, activities and enabling frameworks to overcome the barriers and facilitate the transfer, adoption, and diffusion of selected technologies in the participant countries

18 MitigationAdaptation Activity 2: Identify technology criteria for assessment Activity 3: Prioritize sectors and select key technology(ies) Activity 4: Identify barriers and policy needs* Activity 6: Prepare a synthesis report Review GHG inventory for mitigation potential Identify key sectors and characteristics Review national plans in identified sectors Review available vulnerability studies Identify vulnerable sectors Review national plans in vulnerable sectors Review technology options and resources Prepare list of sectors with mitigation potential Develop criteria to apply to vulnerable sectors Compile a list of prioritized mitigation technologies and key sectors Prioritize vulnerable sectors Identify characteristics of prioritized sectors Compile responses to address vulnerability Activity 5: Define and select options Conduct environ- mental technology impact assessment Assess capacity to use mitigation technologies Conduct environ- mental technology impact assessment Assess capacity to use adaptation technologies Implementation actions Rank and select prioritized mitigation technologies and key sectors Identify practical options for priority sectors Identify responses and technologies Rank and prioritize applicable technologies Assess adequacy of financial resources Ensure transparency Identify potential synergies Identify ways to reduce barriers Continue stakeholder involvement Revise plans as needed Activity 1: Prepare a preliminary overview of the sectors Cross-cutting issues (Stakeholder engagement and barrier analysis) Full report (including a description of the stakeholder process adopted, an evaluation of sectoral needs and opportunities…, a statement of data gaps, project concepts/proposals, potential sources of funding) Summary report in NC Input from NC, NAPAs, national development plans Output to NC, NAPAs national development plans Communicate TNA findings

19 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) TNAs | A simplified view  Convene meeting to explore objectives and scope  Define process for ongoing involvement of all stakeholders  Identify relevant stakeholders; consult key agencies  Establish the team ~ lead agency ~ lead technical institution ~ other players  Define priority sectors and sub-sectors  Establish criteria for selecting technology transfer priorities  Further technology & barrier assessment & stakeholder consultations  Define alternative actions  Select priority technologies  Compile and supplement technology and market information  Select actions  Prepare needs assessment report  Securing resources  Development of implementation strategies  Integration with existing development programs  Preparation of technology transfer plans  Implementation of technology transfer actions  Ongoing review and refinement of actions Forming institution arrangements Preparing & implementing technology transfer actions & plans Needs assessments process

20 TNAs - how priorities were selected? How they relate to national development objectives?

21 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Key Sectors Covered by TNA Reports 13/01/201621 Eng. Hussain Makki-NOGA

22 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Share of Mitigation Options by Sector 13/01/201622 Eng. Hussain Makki-NOGA

23 Commonly identified energy efficient technology needs

24 Commonly identified RET needs?

25 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Share of Adaptation Options by Sectors 13/01/201625 Eng. Hussain Makki-NOGA

26 Main barriers to TT identified by country?

27 Main measures to address barriers to TT

28 Main capacity-building needs?

29 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) TNAs summary The TNA is an effective tool for decision makers and international institutions that may be involved in the facilitation of the technology transfer process. The TNA process not only helps identify specific technology needs, but also points out the direction in which future policies and regulations will need to progress The main beneficiary of the TNAs are the Parties that carried them out, as these reports provide a good basis for follow-up activities to further enhance the transfer of climate friendly technologies.

30 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Financing mechanisms New Bilateral (ODA, seed financing, PPP) UNEP, UNDP, World Bank Carbon Finance, EU COMMISSIONMultilateral climate related funding initiatives (UNEP, UNDP, World Bank Carbon Finance, EU COMMISSION ) GEF (adaptation and mitigation) CDM/JI (mitigation and adaptation) Private sector (commercial bank, microfinancing)

31 Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet) Thank you United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Climate Change Meets Policy

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