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The Ottoman Empire. Osman given Land Anatolian Peninsula (Turkey) Founds the Ottoman Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ottoman Empire. Osman given Land Anatolian Peninsula (Turkey) Founds the Ottoman Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ottoman Empire

2 Osman given Land Anatolian Peninsula (Turkey) Founds the Ottoman Empire

3 Ottoman Army uses Technology Muskets Siege Cannons

4 1453 – Ottomans capture Constantinople Rename it Istanbul End the Byzantine Empire

5 Sutlan Selim I - Caliph Successor to Muhammad Takes over Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Arabia

6 1492 – Columbus wants to avoid Ottoman “Middle Men” Tries to sail to Far East Ottomans control all trade from China/India

7 1529 – Ottomans defeated in Vienna Never go further into Europe Control only as far as Balkans

8 1571 – Spanish fleet defeats Ottoman Navy Ends Ottoman control of Mediterranean Sea

9 1871 and beyond… Ottomans maintain control in Middle East and Balkans until 20 th Century Ethnic cleansing… Serbia

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