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MUSIC DEPARTMENT PARENTS' MEETING October, 7 th, 7:00 p.m. KLO Library.

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Presentation on theme: "MUSIC DEPARTMENT PARENTS' MEETING October, 7 th, 7:00 p.m. KLO Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUSIC DEPARTMENT PARENTS' MEETING October, 7 th, 7:00 p.m. KLO Library

2 Our Goals Tonight:  Meet Your Music Directors  Brief Philosophy of the KLO Music Dept.  KLO Music Department Courses  Guidelines/Assessment/Curriculum  A Year in Review – Traditions the Same? Different?  Future Plans for KLO Music Dept  Communication  Fundraising  Sign up volunteers (In Room 2) – gr. 7 upon leaving; gr. 8 & 9 at end of meeting  Parent Reps for Each Grade  Fundraising  EDMONTON TRIP  Gr. 7 Parents May Depart from Meeting (Remember to sign up to volunteer in Room 2)

3 YOUR MUSIC DIRECTORS  Mr. Tom Klassen  Mrs. Pam Samaddar

4 Ecole KLO Middle School Music Program Philosophy The Ecole KLO Middle School Music Department believes that:  Music is an integral part of a student’s overall education.  The KLO Music Program, grades 7-9, strives to establish for every student a lasting relationship with music that provides satisfaction, enjoyment, and personal growth during the middle school years and throughout life.  Students are involved in musical experiences both as music makers and as listeners.

5 Ecole KLO Middle School Music Program Philosophy  The learning of music is sequential.  The curriculum is based on developing skills in the areas of the elements of music, performing, describing, and creating.  We recognize that students have differences in music aptitudes.  To accommodate these differences, we emphasize that students learn by using a variety of learning modes and cognitive processes.

6 A comprehensive music program has many components:  meaningful music experiences  develop creative abilities of each student  provide a variety of music to enhance understanding of other cultures  develop basic music skills  enhance learning through correlation with other academic areas  share music achievement through performances  develop positive attitudes toward the art of music  encourage participation and appreciation of music as an adult

7 SKILLS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE  Participating in MUSIC may not lead to a professional career, however, there are many benefits that build character and develop life skills by performing in a musical ensemble.

8 The following is just a small sample of SKILLS FOR LIFE! Discipline Commitment Responsibility Goal-Setting Dedication Leadership Creativity Sensitivity Communication Teamwork Cooperation CYZ8hngWatch CYZ8hngWatch “How Playing a Musical Instrument Benefits the Brain” TedEd

9 Band 7 Periods 5, 6 & 7 Mrs. Pam Samaddar Music Director

10 First Lessons’ Evening  It was a huge success! Thank you to  KSS student clinicians, KSS & KLO  Chris Perry – scheduling KSS students  Local music stores – Valley Wind & Reed, Wentworth  KLO staff – for sharing their classrooms!  Mr. Klassen – on hand for support

11 First Weeks of Band 7 How Did It Go?  Amazing and fun!  Almost all students have learned first 5 notes  As in past years, classes sound strong only playing less than a month.  Sectional rehearsals about every 2 weeks, rotating Details for Grade 7 Program are outlined in our Band 7 Handbook & Mrs. Samaddar’s website

12 Choir 7-9 Band 8 Band 9 Jazz Mr. Klassen Music Director

13 M BLOCK/ CHOIR  Mrs. Samaddar (Grade 7)  Mr. Klassen (Gr. 8 & 9 Mentor/Coach Relationship Choral Experience 21 st Century Tools

14 Our Goals:  To enjoy singing together  To look for performance opportunities for service within our community  Explore a variety of repertoire  Grow our vocal talents! KLO CHOIR M Block (Possibly extended into lunch hours or outside timetable closer to performances)

15  New scheduling format this year  Honour Jazz Band 8 & 9 They fall within the time table this year. There are 2 grade bands, 2 grade 9 bands One combined grade 9 JB One Grade 8 Honours JB on Tuesday and Thursday morning

16 Our Music Learning Destination Communicated to Students in Class  I can problem solve, think critically, and make suitable decisions through my experiences in band  I can build my literacy skills in music and I can especially show my familiarity with the conventions of written music  I can connect the knowledge I gain through my experiences in music with other aspects of my life  I can show my understanding and appreciation of artistic and aesthetic expression  I can demonstrate independence, self-motivation and a positive self-image

17 Our Music Targets, Cont’d…  I can cooperate with others to create, explore and express music  I can explore, create, and interpret self-awareness and global understanding through the study of music and the music traditions of various cultures  I can show discipline and confidence during occasions that require focussed and sustained practice  I can appreciate the role of music in society  I can explore opportunities for lifelong pursuits in music such as in recreation, a career or as a performer or audience member

18 Assessment in Band 7-9  Practice Records – two components: tracking practice & reflection  Band 7 Work Ethic Chart – specific descriptors for G, S & N  BAND 7 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE RATING SCALE – categories: sound production, notes, rhythm, musical expression, posture/positioning, musical literacy

19 SMARTMUSIC  A wonderful online tool that supports students greatly with technique and repertoire  So many resources available for the entire family (method books, sight reading exercises, concert musuic, technique, choral warm ups…)  Inexpensive - $40 yearly subscription

20 Future Plans KLO Music Dept. Scheduling at all grades Continue to grow choral program Establish parent booster club for next school year. Vote in the following: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations

21 LET’S KEEP IN TOUCH!  Coming soon for communication! JUPITER GRADES – in midst of setting up (Samaddar & Klassen)  KLO Parent Newsletter (KLO Website)  Pam Samaddar – Assessment: Freshgrade  Email :  

22 Performances  Winter - December 9 th (Silent Auction 6-7) Concert 7-8:15  Spring - June 15 th Other:  Gr. 7 - KLO 3 rd Annual Show & Share? Glenmore FFN  Choir – PAC Craft Fair Nov. 28, KGH, TBA  Gr. 8 – Elementary Tours; first week of March  Gr. 9 – Edmonton Trip Date : May 9 th -13 th, 2016

23 Fundraising PURDY’S  Volunteers needed to sort goods on Nov. 30, 2015.  Order deadline Nov. 16  Organizer submits order with Purdy’s on Nov. 23  Chocolates arrive at KLO, Nov. 27  Sorting on Nov. 30  Students deliver to their folks on Dec. 1 SILENT AUCTION - WINTER CONCERT  Volunteers Needed:  Going to businesses and getting nice things to sell  Setting up donations/tables in Cougar Den after school  Designing auction sheets (Mrs. Samaddar)  Supervision of tables 6-7 (supervision during concert – KLO staff?) Silent Auction closes at 7:00 p.m. Concert begins “Winners read out at end of concert WINTER CONCERT DONATIONS AT THE DOOR  Concert tickets –by donation as in past years  Volunteers needed for collecting donations at gym doors  Volunteers needed for reception ONE SPRING BOTTLE DRIVE? Is there enough support for this to happen? Mrs. S will organizae if there is

24 Volunteer Sign Up In Mrs. S’s English Room  Fundraising  Sign up for volunteer “jobs” in Mrs. Samaddar’s English room Grade 7’s Choral & Instrumental – Free to leave

25 Edmonton Trip  Very similar to last year  3 elementary school concerts  Tour of science museum?  Clinic at the university  West Edmonton mall  Dinner theatre Need chaperones for the trip

26 Thank You for Attending! Please seriously consider volunteering! Please sign up in room 2 before you leave tonight. We will also send out invitations to those not in attendance this evening.

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