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Y5 Curriculum Map 2015-16 / Autumn. Visits/Visitors/EventsVisits/Visitors/EventsMusicMathematicsReading Writing GrammarHistory Speaking & Listening Design.

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1 Y5 Curriculum Map 2015-16 / Autumn

2 Visits/Visitors/EventsVisits/Visitors/EventsMusicMathematicsReading Writing GrammarHistory Speaking & Listening Design Technology Computing Geography Art & Design Science Religious Education Physical Education We are examining Myths and Legends through the Michael Morpurgo book ‘Arthur, High King of Britain’. We will be studying the language used and the grammatical devices used to create atmosphere, such as similes and metaphors and the use of clauses and sentence length to enhance the atmosphere. We will draw inferences and justify these with evidence from the text. We will be writing using various genres based on the text. such as newspaper articles, narratives, retelling a story using a different genre and writing prequels to existing stories and poems, such as ‘The Lady of Shalott.’ We will select appropriate vocabulary, understanding how choices can change and enhance meaning. When writing narratives, we will consider how to develop characters and settings. We will discuss and evaluate how authors use language, considering the impact on the reader and ask and answer questions to improve their understanding. We will participate in discussions about books that we read. We will be learning about aspects of grammar such as clauses, the use of apostrophes and identifying parts of speech. We will be punctuating direct speech. We will be learning about life in Anglo Saxon times, where they originated from and why they invaded, important figures and their legacy. This will be taught through our Anglo Saxons topic and will examine how Great Britain’s counties were influenced by the settlement of the Anglo Saxons. We will be learning about reversible and irreversible changes, planning experiments using thermal conductors and insulators and which materials are waterproof. We will be examining the properties of materials including how to separate materials. As part of our hockey topic we are practising control skills. In gymnastics we will be practising our skills before developing sequences in pairs.. We are enhancing our digital literacy skills, retrieving and presenting information in a variety of ways. E safety will be taught and reinforced throughout the year. We are following the ‘Come and See’ syllabus, examining the domestic Church, life choices and Advent. We will enjoy a week long study of Hinduism. We are working with a variety of media such as clay to enhance our learning. We will be exploring and singing a variety of songs using the charanga program. We will be learning how to extend our mental methods for whole number calculations. We will learn about decimals, percentages and equivalent fractions. We will revise converting 12-hour clock times to 24-hour clock times; find a time a given number of minutes or hours and minutes later; calculate time intervals using 24-hour clock format; measure lengths in mm and convert to cm; find perimeters in cm and convert cm to m. We will select from and use a range of tools and equipment to enhance our learning of the Anglo Saxons. Watch this space!!

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