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Class will start at the top of the hour! WELCOME TO CE101 Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development Unit 3 WELCOME TO CE101 Preparing for a.

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Presentation on theme: "Class will start at the top of the hour! WELCOME TO CE101 Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development Unit 3 WELCOME TO CE101 Preparing for a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class will start at the top of the hour! WELCOME TO CE101 Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development Unit 3 WELCOME TO CE101 Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development Unit 3 In seminar tonight, we will use the Kaplan Catalog. Please open this document so it can load in time for our activity Find the Kaplan Catalog on your “My Classes” Page. Go below the classes, then under the “Documents” tab, the under the Calendar and Catalog heading: Kaplan University Catalog (Policies and Programs)

2 Audio Check I am aware that many of you are new to online learning and to using computers, so before we get started… lets conduct a quick audio check. If you can’t hear me, please confirm that the volume on your speakers are on and if you have external speakers confirm that they are plugged in. If you can’t hear me, please try logging out and back in. This often fixes the problem. If this does not work – please call Tech Support at 1-866- 522-7747

3 Review of Unit 2! Last week we dove straight into the field of early childhood development! We read about the countless services, which include programs for infants and toddlers, preschool programs, family childcare, childcare centers, kindergarten, and schooling for primary age children. Does anyone have any thoughts, comments, or ah- ha moments that they would like to share? Jump in!

4 Unit 3! So far in this class we have discussed many elements of early childhood development, especially the job market and career opportunities. In Unit 3, we will turn our eyes to the program and courses at Kaplan University to see how these connect with and specifically prepare you for a career as a child development professional. You will discuss the program outcomes, how they apply to the various classes and your study of early childhood development. You will also learn how to set realistic and meaningful educational and career goals so that you can achieve your career objectives!

5 But first…a little “housekeeping” Do you know how you are graded? Do you know how to find out the strengths/challenges of your work? Do you know how to find my specific comments on your projects?

6 But first…a little “housekeeping” Do you know how you are graded? – By the Rubric. Find these in the Syllabus! Do you know how to find out the strengths/challenges of your work? Do you know how to find my specific comments on your projects?

7 But first…a little “housekeeping” Do you know how to find out the strengths/challenges of your work? Let’s take a field trip to the gradebook! Go to your gradebook Click on a DB, assignment, or project grade Read the remarks and look at the rubric Always do this – then correct the issues pointed out in the comments in the next assignment. Your grade will thank you!

8 But first…a little “housekeeping” --Let’s talk about what you saw--

9 But first…a little “housekeeping” Do you know how to find my specific comments on your projects? In your InBox, read the comments, then click on the attachment You will find marginal notes, correction of errors in spelling/grammar The rubric for that assignment Suggestions for improvement, if needed Any notes about revising work for a higher grade Due date for revisions

10 But first…a little “housekeeping” --Let’s talk about what you should see-- Corrections within the project Comments to guide revision or explanations of what has been done well/needs improvement

11 But first…a little “housekeeping” --Let’s talk about what you should see-- Score Explanation Special Notes

12 Learning Outcomes After completing this unit, you should be able to: Discuss the program outcomes as well as the required and elective courses for your Early Childhood Development Program Apply S.M.A.R.T. goal setting to educational and career goals Course outcomes practiced in this unit: CE100-2: Use a variety of personal management tools, strategies and university resources to enhance learning

13 Readings Last week you read about a variety of career choices and now you will read the courses that Kaplan University offers and will learn how our Early Childhood Development Program will prepare you for jobs that require these skills and traits. You will also learn how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and learn tips for taking notes.

14 Please share! What are your academic goals? What are your professional goals?

15 Field Trip! Go to the Kaplan student webpage. Scroll down to Resources under My Classes. Click Documents. Click University Catalog. Scroll to Page 21. Read the section on Transfer Credits. Come back in 3 minutes. I’ll be with you – I’ll also be monitoring the seminar if you have trouble getting to the Catalog.

16 Your thoughts: Transfer Credits Many incoming students bring transfer credits from other institutions of higher learning. Please know that Kaplan University must receive your official transcripts by the end of your first term. If they are not received on time, they will not be evaluated and you will not receive any credit for courses taken at another institution. Getting official transcripts sent in can take a while, so you will want to start this process as soon as possible. You will need to contact your other school(s) to have them send the official documents directly to Kaplan University. Talk to your advisor about this.

17 Field Trip! Go to the Kaplan student webpage. Scroll down to Resources under My Classes. Click Documents. Click University Catalog. Scroll to Page 22. Read the section on Challenge Exams. I’ll be with you – I’ll also be monitoring the seminar if you have trouble getting to the Catalog.

18 Your thoughts: Challenge Exams Students with prior experience or education can sit for challenge exams in an effort to earn credit for a particular course without actually having to take the course. There are a wide variety of courses available for challenge. If you want to consider any of these, please send your advisor an email and we will be more than happy to discuss this one on one with you.

19 Field Trip! Go to the Kaplan student webpage. Scroll down to Resources under My Classes. Click Documents. Click University Catalog. Scroll to Page 22. Read the section on the Experiential Learning Portfolio. I’ll be with you – I’ll also be monitoring the seminar if you have trouble getting to the Catalog.


21 The classroom isn’t the only place knowledge can be gained. For many adult learners, years of work and life experience means more than just a line on their resumes. It’s earning them real college credits – and saving them time and money when completing their degree. Work Experience and Life Experience may save you time and money when completing your degree!

22 “President Obama has set a goal for America – 50% more college grads by 2020,” explains Brian Ouellette, Vice President of KNEXT. “The Department of Education has identified Portfolio Development as a key to meeting that goal because it helps adult learners apply the knowledge they’ve already gained from work experience to help put them on the fast track to a degree.”

23 How it Works KNEXT, which is pronounced “next” and stands for Knowledge Extension, offers the Portfolio Development course, EL203, to students who wish to gain recognition for learning that has occurred outside of the classroom though the preparation of a portfolio. The course has a double benefit – it helps students translate their learning into college credit and they get credit for the course as well.

24 Interested students speak to a team of advisors that help them determine if they have college level learning that could be eligible for college credit. Learning can come from a job, travel, volunteer work, training, or more.

25 Dedicated instructors and assessment specialists provide support and guidance throughout the course to ensure that students submit the most complete and beneficial portfolio. EL203 is open to undergraduate Kaplan University students who are looking to reduce the number of courses they have to take or perhaps want a quicker path to advanced courses or graduation.

26 Student Benefits Although no experiential learning credits are guaranteed through this process, the more than 600 who have completed EL203 have: · Earned an average of 29 credits (6 courses) · Saved 3 terms on their degree · Realized more than $10,000 in tuition savings

27 Learn More about Portfolio Development (EL203) If you would like to learn more, visit If you have questions, please contact me at

28 Your thoughts: EL203? Students will develop a portfolio that describes and organizes the learning they have acquired on the job, through volunteer work, travel, etc. Stu­dents will also examine what they already know, what they have college credit for, what their future goals are, and how all of these pieces fit together. Faculty will guide students through the process and provide feedback and assistance on each component of the portfolio. Students will collect all of their previously credited learning (college transcripts, standardized exams, pre-evaluated learning, etc.) and will articulate and organize learning not already credited. 5 Quarter Credit Hours Prerequisite: Previous success in one or more college course(s) EL 203 qualifies as an open elective on your degree plan. The academic advising team can provide specific information related to EL 203 and experiential learning credits, such as fees related to the application. You can reach an academic advisor by calling 866-522-7747.

29 More Sharing Do you know how transfer credits impacts the Degree Plan? Do you want to take Challenge Exams on any courses? Do you think you may qualify to take EL203?

30 Thank you! Thank you for joining me! It has been a pleasure to share with each of you. Be sure to watch the announcement board – I will be posting information about the Unit 4 Project. This project cannot be turned in late, so start early. If you ever need anything… email me!

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