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1 Beamline DayTalkPresenterTopic Wed 9 th 1L. HowlettTarget Design Status 2K. WalaronBeamline/Target Diagnostics 3K. TilleyStatus of Muon Beamline design.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Beamline DayTalkPresenterTopic Wed 9 th 1L. HowlettTarget Design Status 2K. WalaronBeamline/Target Diagnostics 3K. TilleyStatus of Muon Beamline design."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Beamline DayTalkPresenterTopic Wed 9 th 1L. HowlettTarget Design Status 2K. WalaronBeamline/Target Diagnostics 3K. TilleyStatus of Muon Beamline design 4P. DrummBeamline Engineering MICE Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Feb2005 Summaries & Action Items







8 Concern over Radiation levels FIRST assessment of radiation levels. Using FLUKA code. 800MeV protons, 10x10x1mm 3 Ti target. Flux at 1.4E12




12 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 12 MICE Target work (CB et al) 1. Calculate and review target heating under 1.7x10^12 proton intersections. 1Hz/3Hz. 2. Investigate temperature monitoring schemes for target (thermocouple/IR/IR+modified target topology) 3. Solve position sensing system irregularities 4. Update TRD with current FLUKA radiation level results 5. Continue to assess radiation level & effects on NdFeB / electronics 6. Setup ISIS engineer contact & determine acceptable in-vacuum materials etc. 7. Construct and test full prototype. Summary Pre-prototype has been constructed and tested. Experience gained in control electronics, mechanical mounting & position readout very useful. First full prototype expected at end of February. Programme progressing according to Schedule. Problems however with radiation levels, heating & vacuum conditions remain of concern. Involvement of ISIS engineers essential for tackling some of these. Some modifications/design iterations expected after prototype constructed. Actions

13 Beamline/Target Diagnostics Kenny Walaron University of Glasgow / RAL

14 Motivation Particle production from target = greatest unknown in experiment (& governs all rates, Good Muons etc) Measure proton interceptions / pion&muon production against & up to maximum permissible ISIS beamloss

15 Equipment & Position Segmented scintillator with double sided read-out to measure dE/dx placed inside ISIS ring PMTs XP2020 or EM19954 Segmented BC-404

16 Simulation: 10m from Target (20m also simulated)

17 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 17 Target Diagnostics (KW et al) 1. Establish if present PMTs are reliable, if not obtain & forward quote for new. 2. Submit experiment proposal to ISIS (PD) 3.Purchase equipment (scintillators…) and construct detectors 4.Source a suitable DAQ system. (basis of a Question to Plenary audience) 5.Mount in position in synchrotron vault - Summer'05 shutdown. Actions (KW et al) Plan drawn up to quantify particle production from target, using dE/dx in scintillator devices. Using extension of g4beamline code - proton, (pion/muon) discrimination possible in theory. Actual PID discrimination subject to rates observed, ideas being pursued to handle these. Summary

18 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 18 Target Diagnostics (KW et al) 1. Establish if present PMTs are reliable, if not obtain & forward quote for new. 2. Submit experiment proposal to ISIS (PD) 3.Purchase equipment (scintillators…) and construct detectors 4.Source a suitable DAQ system.* (basis of a Question to Plenary audience) 5.Mount in position in synchrotron vault - Summer'05 shutdown. Actions (KW et al) Plan drawn up to quantify particle production from target, using dE/dx in scintillator devices. Using extension of g4beamline code - proton, (pion/muon) discrimination possible in theory. Actual PID discrimination subject to rates observed, ideas being pursued to handle these. Summary "Audience Action"! :- *. (Does any person know of an available DAQ system suitable for this experiment?)

19 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 19 Status of Muon Beamline design work Kevin Tilley, RAL, 9th Feb Including Beamline Materials in new revision Reference ('true') momenta/materials effects (g4) Fitting TTL representations to 'true' g4 effects. Some inclusions in TPT/TTL design codes …. The Pb-diffuser position: feasible? / re-examination?

20 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 20 Statement of Problem: SEPT04 & Beamline Materials SEPT04 Beamline optics & initial momenta designed w/o taking into account effect of materials ie. Vacuum windows, PIDs etc, on beam. μ + central momentum in Tracker1 – design206 MeV/c μ + central momentum in Tracker1 – achieved (g4bl)183 MeV/c hence:- + exist probable further differences ie. MATCHING ('Good Muons'), EMITTANCE etc between design goal & g4bl evaln.

21 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 21 Deduction of correct 'Reference' Initial Momenta's/Material Effects (Thks to KW, using g4bl/g4) Aimed @ 207.31 after 2x Tkr Planes, for p-ref=200MeV/c Arrive @ Muon source momentum.

22 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 22 Hence…Ref set of Beamline Muon Momentas &

23 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 23 Hence…Ref set of Beamline Muon Momentas & …. pion channel in progress …

24 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 24 TTL Model Fitting:- Example - 2" TOF0 Fitted TTL model. Choose to prioritise fit to delta-p, vary density --> & find density 0.892 ie. Now p-tot out = 242.252MeV/c. ~ 16.9 mrad (cf. g4bl 22.1mrad) INPUT: OUTPUT: p-tot X' √θ 2 TTL ~ 0.76.√θ 2 g4bl Basic TTL model does not give same p-tot out, or,so,

25 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 25 Hence…table of ready TTL/TPT materials-fit data

26 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 26 Illustration of some of the Muon channel materials in TPT:-

27 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 27 The Pb-position: Feasible? / Re-examine? A scheme had been drawn for supporting the Pb. diffuser in its present position. Geoffs plot / We have a prescription, using a number of codes (G4MICE/BL & TPT/TTL) to re-examine this position if necessary.

28 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 28 Re-examining the Pb-position: 'How-to' Can make crude re-est. again in TPT/TTL - checking matched ε n for different d But to do properly, use G4MICE/G4BL as well as TPT/TTL :- –New factors (since CERN CM: March'04) :- Better comprehension of ε n ! The presence of the upstream iron detector shield. –The procedure:- Work backwards from matched ε n =10π (or other max) beam with certain preferred Pb position 'p'. Also choose detector shield position as a variable 'd'? Use G4MICE/G4BL. Q: Can beamline supply this beam ? (Use TPT/TTL for quick answer) Re-run above test with different detector shield positions 'd' if needed. If beamline cannot supply beam, bring Pb position 'p' closer to solenoid & repeat until beamline can supply beam. Finish with the

29 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 29 Beamline design & evaluation 1. Complete geant4 materials reference table. (KW) 2. Complete TTL fitting to materials (KT) 3Complete MICE-note of above materials modelling work (KT/KW) 4Produce new beamline design & evaluate (KT/KW) 5.Establish if present Pb-position feasible & proposed mounting (GB/PD/KT) 6.Evaluate impact of chromatic abberations / off-momentum matching (KT) 7.Re-examine beam matching under detector shielding environment (if time) (KT/KW/…?) Actions Summary Progress made modelling beamline materials, and including first few into TPT/TTL. Progress towards new revision however slower than hoped. Mechanical support scheme for present Pb position available. Procedure for re- examining position exists (using G4MICE/BL & TPT/TTL) if so needed.

30 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 30 Beamline engineering talk P. Drumm, RAL, 9th Feb

31 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 31 Beamline Engineering Discussion Items Beamline vacuum system outlined: –ISIS Vacuum, Air-gap, Beamline Vacuum, Decay Solenoid Vacuum. UHV? –No vacuum system in Muon Channel (Air only, He?) Beamline magnet mounting & alignment –Quad Triplets aligned together, girder, away from beamline. –Mounting stands need to be designed Radiation shielding concept: –Light concrete wall partitioning off entry area of beamline into MICE-Hall –Steel only in direct line of sight from MICE-Hall to synchrotron RF cavity. (protecting from fast neutrons) –Work ongoing with MCNPX Coordinate systems: –Number of coordinate system, potentially confusing (TPT system, MICE-centre)

32 paul drumm, mutac jan 2003 32 Beamline Engineering Actions Summary Number of beamline engineering issues presented: vacuum system concept, magnet mounting, hall radiation shielding (using MCNPX). Point raised about existence of number of different (& therefore potentially confusing?) coordinate systems. (TPT system, MICE-centre…) 1. Estimate physical space/mounting needed for beamline diagnostic devices (KW/KT) 2. Identify Target monitoring, controls & services needs. Determine physical location & possible commonalities eg. with other control equipment. (CB/PD) 3Resolve radiation shielding needs (PD) 4.Provide TRD subsection explaining relation of TPT coordinate system to MICE coordinate system. (example=Pb position) (KT) 5.Ensure beamline engineering update at June Collaboration meeting (some topics = stands, alignment, target, cyro, quad-refurbishment…) (PD)

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