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Winning with Past Performance. APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 2 Winning with Past Performance JIM HILES.

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Presentation on theme: "Winning with Past Performance. APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 2 Winning with Past Performance JIM HILES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winning with Past Performance

2 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 2 Winning with Past Performance JIM HILES

3 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 3 Why Past Performance?  Converging to make Past Performance more important than ever:  The Federal Government’s increased efforts to fully document, curate and use this stored information to evaluate offerors  The Federal Government’s increased efforts to document all facets of contractor performance and  The current heightened level of competition in the Federal Government contracting marketplace.

4 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 4 Assessing Past Performance Citations  What are we assessing?  Is this Past Performance write-up a good fit for a particular proposal  How “good” is a Past Performance write-up  Specific ways to improve a Past Performance write-up  Company fit for a particular project or team

5 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 5 Past Performance Ranking on 13 spectra  Customer response to Past Performance Questionnaire  Writing Style  # of variables  Challenges overcome  Contract type  Firm capability  Recency  Relevancy: scope, $ value, client  Statement of Work  Dollar value  Privity of contract  Key persons  Program support

6 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 6 What is the government doing  Questioning current practices  Improving inputs to and uses of the current system  Exploring ways to increase accessibility  Exploring the use of end-user/mass reviews  Shortening cycle times

7 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 7 What are leading firms doing  Proactively managing past performance information  Using an objective customer satisfaction program  Actively managing Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System reports (CPARs)  Applying knowledge management principles to past performance information  Using past performance and customer satisfaction inputs to improve performance and operations

8 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 8 The Future of Past Performance  Shorter cycle times  Standardization and digitization  Data minable Information  Identity of the reviewer will increase  Accountability of the reviewer will increase  Increased accessibility of information  More parties able to contribute to reviews  More interaction between buyers, sellers and interested parties  Social responsibility metrics rise in prominence

9 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 9 What Are You Going To Do?  Organize your Past Performance collection  Assess and improve your write ups  Actively monitor and manage your CPARS  Integrate your objective customer satisfaction program into your past performance write ups and performance improvement

10 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 10 Questions

11 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 11 Jim Hiles @jfhiii 301-247-5361 Contact Us APMP PO Box 77272 Washington, DC 20013-7272 Phone: +1 - (202) 450-2549

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