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100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 Economy Amend- ments Facts MISC.

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2 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 Economy Amend- ments Facts MISC

3 Name 2 ways the automobile changed businesses. Small businesses popped up like gas station & diners. Big businesses like steel and rubber also grew.

4 Name 3 policies of the government in the 1920s. Low taxes, spending, and immigration.

5 Why did people buying stocks help the U.S. economy succeed? It gave businesses money to expand.

6 Radio advertising What was the main cause of the economic boom in the 1920s?

7 What impact did Henry Ford have on America? He increased mass production with assembly line.

8 Which amendment made alcohol legal again? 21st

9 Which amendment allowed women’s suffrage? 19th

10 Which amendment allowed the people to elect senators directly? 17th

11 What amendment outlawed alcohol? 18th

12 16th Which amendment started income taxes?

13 The Jazz Age What is another name for the Roaring 20s?

14 The Jazz Singer What was the first talking movie with sound?

15 Fundamentalism What was the religious movement that began due to the loss of morals in the 1920s?

16 William Jennings Bryan Who ran for president 3 times, was the prosecutor in the Scopes Trial &died 3 days after it ended & was for women’s suffrage & income taxes?

17 Fundamentalism has no place in public schools. What was Clarence Darrow’s main point in the Scopes Trial?

18 Modernism vs Traditionalism What 2 sides did Darrow and Bryan represent in the Scopes Trial?

19 Dawes Plan What law involved giving Germany gold to stabilize Germany’s economy?

20 Washington Conference What involved the U.S. and other countries agreeing to limit the size of their navies?

21 Kellogg-Briand Pact What involved outlawing war to preserve world peace?

22 People distrusted government officials more. What was the result of the Teapot Dome Scandal?

23 A gov’t. official was leasing land where the naval oil reserves were to private companies to make money. What caused the Teapot Dome Scandal?

24 lower income taxes How did Andrew Mellon get Congress to boost the economy in the early 1920s?

25 It was the center of the sheet music publishing area of New York City. Why was Tin Pan Alley important?

26 searching for their identity What was the theme of writings of the Harlem Renaissance?

27 Lindbergh’s non-stop flight across the Atlantic What was a result of new travel innovations in the 1920s?

28 Calvin Coolidge Which president cleaned up after the Teapot Dome Scandal?

29 Suburbs grew. How did Henry Ford change cities with his cars in the 1920s?

30 They were Italian immigrants and anarchists. Why did people think Sacco and Vanzetti were guilty of murder?

31 Speakeasies opened up; NASCAR got started; Criminals got rich selling alcohol; & people made their own alcohol at home or in the country. Name 4 specific results of Prohibition.

32 Bessie Smith Who was the “Empress of Blue” and sang with Louis Armstrong?

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