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NATMAP 2050 Synopsis Update Colloquium 30 October 2015 Breakaway Session 1:Part 1 Transport Infrastructure, Freight Transport, Passenger Transport.

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Presentation on theme: "NATMAP 2050 Synopsis Update Colloquium 30 October 2015 Breakaway Session 1:Part 1 Transport Infrastructure, Freight Transport, Passenger Transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATMAP 2050 Synopsis Update Colloquium 30 October 2015 Breakaway Session 1:Part 1 Transport Infrastructure, Freight Transport, Passenger Transport

2 Breakaway Session 1 Outline 2 1.Current Realities 2.Issues and Challenges 3.Priorities 4.Interventions 5.Discussion

3 NATMAP 2050 ALIGNMENT WITH SIPS, EXISTING AND NEW / EMERGING NATIONAL CORRIDORS SIP 1: Unlocking the Northern Mineral Belt with Waterberg as the Catalyst SIP 2: Durban- Free State– Gauteng Logistics and Industrial Corridor SIP 3: South Eastern node & corridor development SIP 4: Unlocking the economic opportunities in North West Province 3 1. Current Realities: Emerging Corridors

4 Why do people travel?  Mainly work, education & business Passenger Transport Cost  High income earners traveling to work do so mainly by car (66%)  Low income earners travelling to work do so predominantly by walking (42%) and Taxi (25%)  >70% of SA spend at least 30% of income on transport  High travel cost add to inability to access opportunities  Compact cities with strong bias to passenger transport spend much less on the provision and use of transport with significantly greater social and economic benefits 4 1. Current Realities: Passenger Transport

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