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AS/AP/Dual Credit Courses There are many pros & cons to taking Advanced Studies (AS), Advanced Placement (AP), and dual credit classes. A listing of AS,

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Presentation on theme: "AS/AP/Dual Credit Courses There are many pros & cons to taking Advanced Studies (AS), Advanced Placement (AP), and dual credit classes. A listing of AS,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AS/AP/Dual Credit Courses There are many pros & cons to taking Advanced Studies (AS), Advanced Placement (AP), and dual credit classes. A listing of AS, AP, & dual credit courses offered at GHS is available on the counseling pages. Click the Advanced Placement, Dual Credit link under the High School Course Planning tab.

2 Advanced Placement The Advanced Placement Program, or AP, is a program that offers high school students the opportunity to receive university credit for their work during high school. A student must pass the exam to earn college credit. The score achieved on the AP exam does not affect the grade earned in the class. AP classes are taught by GHS teachers. The student pays the fee to take the required AP exam in May. College credit is dependent on the college.

3 Dual Credit Students have the opportunity to earn "dual credit" (high school and college credits) for the advanced level courses. These college-level courses are offered at the high school and are considered to be part of a Black Hawk College degree or certificate program. The BHC credit earned may or may not transfer to other colleges. Refer to the counselor web pages regarding the details and cost of dual credit courses.

4 Advanced Studies Biology, Chemistry, and Pre-calculus Course descriptions are available in the GHS course planning guide. (CPG) AS pre-calculus covers more material with a faster pace than the math analysis trigonometry course. The concepts are covered in more depth and with more challenging applications. AS biology follows the same plan and pace as regular biology throughout the year but the concepts are covered in more detail. The course is application based in both class discussion and on quizzes and tests. Like AS biology, AS chemistry is application based, not simply memorization and regurgitation. AS chemistry moves at a faster pace than regular chemistry.

5 Why take AS/AP/Dual Credit courses? Parents like dual credit, AS and AP classes because they can save time and money. Many parents also like the prestige of having their children taking challenging honors & college classes. But parents are not the ones who have to do all the work, it is the students. Why do students like accelerated learning or more rigorous classes?

6 Benefits  キ The Next Logical Step – Students have been tracked into advanced courses in earlier grades, so this is the next logical step.  キ More Challenging (less boring) – Accelerated classes are not just a repeat of things that they have already learned. They are much more exciting and challenging. It is an escape of the regular high school classroom.  キ Conducive Learning Environment – The students who choose to be in these rigorous classes want to be there and want to learn and be challenged to think critically. Most fellow classmates are motivated, and the classes provide a much more stimulating and creative learning environment.

7 Benefits Continued  キ Pride and Camaraderie – Many students are proud that they are doing college level work in high school. From day one in class, students are like a small family.  キ Your “Major” – AP and dual credit students could potentially earn enough credits to enter college as a sophomore and begin to work on their major that much sooner.  キ Statistics prove that taking rigorous classes leads to future college success!

8 What are the negatives?  キ AP is often more difficult than dual credit classes; and the student does not get the college credit automatically with an AP class. In an AP class, the student must pass the exam in May.  キ Not all colleges accept AP scores. Or there is a minimum score (3, 4, or 5) requirement  キ There is a heavier workload. High school students live busy lives and this is a big commitment.

9 What are the negatives? #2  キ The Perceived Fear of “Lower Grades.” - But AP and AS grades are weighted.  キ Added costs vary. – AP test, BHC tuition, textbooks (no added cost for AS)  キ Schedule changes – This is a commitment that is expected to be lived up to. Once you have started an AP/AS/Dual Credit class, you are expected to finish the class and not drop.

10 Other considerations…  キ If the student was not academically ready for the accelerated learning class and the student were to receive a poor grade, it will stay on that student’s transcript. The grade earned is not weighted if the course is dropped.

11 Student responsibilities Students must contact prospective colleges or universities for their policies about accepting &/or transferring AP and BHC dual credits earned while in high school.

12 Further Information Go to the counselor’s web pages for a list of Advanced Placement, Advanced Studies, and Dual Credit course offerings. Also you will find a chart with details for each of the Dual Credit Courses The Course Planning Guide provides course descriptions

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