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Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Initiative ITS JPO Lead: Mike Schagrin Technical Lead: Morris Oliver, Office of Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Initiative ITS JPO Lead: Mike Schagrin Technical Lead: Morris Oliver, Office of Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Initiative ITS JPO Lead: Mike Schagrin Technical Lead: Morris Oliver, Office of Safety

2 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative The Challenge Every year at intersections:  9100 FATALITIES  1,500,000 INJURIES  3,000,000 CRASHES Cost to society  $124 Billion/year Sources: FARS and GES data, 2002

3 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Opportunity Substantial research has been accomplished in the area of intersection collision problems Recent technology advances allow for innovative systems to be more effective in reducing the number and severity of crashes Active safety systems are being more embraced by OEMs and the driving public

4 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Goals To substantially reduce cross-path crashes at intersections thru the application of ITS technologies  Addressing violations of red lights and stop signs  Assisting the driver in maneuvering through an intersection To develop systems that provide safety benefits without shifting the crash problem elsewhere

5 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Milestone/End Product To develop and demonstrate cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems To assess the value and acceptance of cooperative collision avoidance systems To develop and provide tools to support industry deployments

6 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative

7 Program Plan/Approach The Initiative consists of three phases  Phase 1: Preparatory Analysis  Phase 2: System Design  Phase 3: Prototype Development  Phase 4: Field Operational Test  Phase 5: Stakeholder Engagement Duration of Initiative  FY04 – FY08

8 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Phase 1: Preparatory Analysis Goal  Establish a Strong Foundation for Program Development and Execution Actions  Establish stakeholder ownership  Formulate Program Definition Concept of operations and functional requirements Preliminary down-selection of most promising solutions for each problem area  Define Execution Strategy Procurement strategy Program work plan Outreach plan

9 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Phase 2: System Design Goal  Create Viable System Designs for Prototyping Actions  Develop system architecture and technology independent performance specifications  Develop needed technologies and objective tests for prototype assessment  Design and build data acquisition systems  Identify most promising designs for prototyping  Engage potential FOT partners

10 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Phase 3: Prototype Development Goal  Develop and Evaluate Prototype Systems Actions  Integrate subsystems and build prototypes  Conduct objective test in a controlled environment  Validate performance of systems  Evaluate alternatives for FOT  Collaboration with VII

11 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Phase 4: Field Operational Tests Goal  Demonstrate and Quantify Effectiveness of Cooperative Systems Actions  Identify FOT partners and locations, establish FOT design and build FOT ready systems  Craft evaluation strategy and plan, and conduct tests in real world environment  Develop analysis methods, and build database and tools  Install systems  Analyze data  cost/benefit, user acceptance, performance

12 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Phase 5: Stakeholder Engagement Goal  Create Industry Support for Deployment Actions  Form ICA working group  Establish broader industry stakeholder group  Develop and execute outreach plan  Develop tools to support deployment

13 Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Initiative Summary Focusing on intersection collision avoidance opportunities Exploring both infrastructure based systems and infrastructure-vehicle based systems Providing empirical data on the value of systems and stakeholder acceptance Developing tools to support system deployments

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