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Meeting the Elderly’s financial needs. Recap In pairs, list three needs of the Elderly. Then, give examples of how care in the community meets these needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the Elderly’s financial needs. Recap In pairs, list three needs of the Elderly. Then, give examples of how care in the community meets these needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the Elderly’s financial needs

2 Recap In pairs, list three needs of the Elderly. Then, give examples of how care in the community meets these needs

3 Learning Objective Discuss the ways in which the financial needs of the elderly are met Success Criteria Explain what a contributory benefit is Explain what means tested and non- means tested benefits are List examples of these benefits Describe what these benefits do

4 MEETING THE ELDERLY’S FINANCIAL NEEDS C________ B______ N__ -M______ T_____ Benefits M______ T_____ Benefits

5 Contributory BenefitMeans-tested benefitNon-means tested benefit BenefitDescriptionBenefitDescriptionBenefitDescription

6 State Pensions Based on National Insurance Contributions made during working lives £82.05 for a single person, £132.20 per week for a couple Women receive it when they are 60, men 65 To qualify a man needs to have worked for 44 years and women 39 years. People who have not paid full NI have their pensions reduced Men on average receive more- £88.14/ women £63.90 Cold weather payments Given out when the temperature falls below zero over a seven day period. A one-off payment of £8.50 is made for every continuous seven day spell of cold weather. Winter Fuel Allowance £200 per household is paid at the start of the British winter- around 700,000 households benefit in Scotland Contributory Non-Means Tested Means Tested

7 Housing Benefit Helps with rent. Based on your income and savings. You must not have more than £16,000 in savings. Means Tested

8 Attendance Allowance Paid to those who cannot look after themselves. Amount given depends on the amount of care needed. Carers Allowance Given to carers if they spend over 35 hours per week looking after a pensioner who has qualified for attendance allowance Pension Credit Seeks to ensure that single pensioners do not have an income of less than £109.45 per week and couples £167.05 a week. Council Tax Benefit Benefit you receive if you get pension credits. Depending on savings, en elderly person can receive a 100 percent rebate on their council tax bill. Non-Means Tested Means Tested

9 Questions What is the difference between a means tested and a non means tested benefit ? Why do many women not receive a full state pension ? How might this affect their lives? Why do some elderly people fail to claim benefits they are entitled to ? What could the council do to try and help the elderly claim benefits ? What is a hypothermia and why are the elderly at risk ?

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