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The Heresies of False Religions What is Islam? Part II 03/08/15.

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1 The Heresies of False Religions What is Islam? Part II 03/08/15

2 Islam - Muhammad I.Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD II.At the age of 8, Muhammad was taken in by his uncle, Abu Talib. Muhammad traveled with caravans up into the area of Syria with his uncle. III.When Muhammad was 25, he married a wealthy 40 year old widow, Khadijah. A.Both his wife and Uncle died in either 619 or 620 B.After his wife’s death, he married the widow of a disciple and a six year old girl. IV.By 622 Muhammad and his friend Abu Bakr fled Mecca. V.He and his followers began raiding caravans by 622.

3 Islam - Muhammad I.Muhammad received his first revelation in 610. A.His first impression was that the revelation was demonic. It caused him to become suicidal and depressed. B.He tried to commit suicide multiple times, but was stopped each time by Gabriel (Jibril). II.Muhammad received revelations for the next 22 years. III.In 630 he and his followers were able to recapture Mecca. IV. He died in 632 AD. V.Muhammad performed no miracles according to the Qur’an(some miracles were recorded two centuries later in the Hadiths) VI.Muhammad is the “perfect/ideal man” according to Islam.

4 Islam I.Sources of Revelation A.Qur’an 1.Surah refers to divisions within the Qur’an 2.The Qur’an is not chronological in its layout 3.The only proper way to read the Qur’an is in Arabic. Every other translation is imperfect and possibly corrupt. 4.The Qur’an in its entirety is recorded on a stone tablet in heaven and has been there since before Creation. 5.The entire revelation took 22 years.

5 Islam – Qur’an in Chronological Order

6 Islam I.Sources of Revelation A.Sunna - “clear or well-trodden path” 1.Hadith – recorded sayings of Muhammad a.Isnad – “chain of transmission” - Bill said that Cathy heard that while Jill was in the presence of Muhammad, he said, “…..” b.Matn – record of deeds and sayings 2.Sirat – “biography”

7 Islam I.Other Sources of Revelation A.Torah (Including also the Psalms and Prophets) B.The Gospel (The Bible, except for the corrupted parts) II.Surah 5:44, 46-49

8 Questions ?

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