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ISLAM Submission to Allah. IN YOUR NOTES First: Put these in chronological order: Hinduism Christianity Islam Judaism Buddhism Second: Put these in order.

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Presentation on theme: "ISLAM Submission to Allah. IN YOUR NOTES First: Put these in chronological order: Hinduism Christianity Islam Judaism Buddhism Second: Put these in order."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISLAM Submission to Allah

2 IN YOUR NOTES First: Put these in chronological order: Hinduism Christianity Islam Judaism Buddhism Second: Put these in order according to which one has the most followers. Most should be at the top: Taoism Hinduism Christianity Buddhism Confucianism Islam Judaism Jainism

3 Chronology Hinduism-date difficult to determine, but oldest religion Judaism-2,000 BC Buddhism-500 BC Christianity-30 C.E. Islam-600’s C.E. around-the-world.html

4 Followers Christianity-2.1 billion Islam-1.3-1.5 billion Hinduism-800-900 million Buddhism-376 million Judaism-13-14 million Confucianism-6.3 million Jainism-4.3 million Taoism-2.3 million




8 Muhammad Dies Muhammad controlled Mecca Muhammad is Born Uncle Abu Talib Dies Saw angel who commanded him to speak revelations from God Moved to Yathrib/Medina (Hegira)

9 CORRECT ORDER Muhhamad Born 570 CE Met the angel who told him to speak revelations 610 CE Uncle Abu Talib dies 619 CE Moved from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina)=Hegira 622 CE Muhammad controlled Mecca 630 CE Muhammad dies 632 CE

10 QUR’AN-SACRED TEXT OF ISLAM Followers recorded the revelations of Muhammad Rhythmically written Full meaning only understood through Arabic reading


12 DRAW A REPRESENTATION OF: The 5 Pillars Behavior Guidelines Sunna Sharia Pick 2 of the 4

13 FIVE PILLARS OF FAITH 1) Profession of Faith: No God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger 2) 5 Daily Prayers Facing Mecca 3) Alms/Charity to the poor (certain percentage) 4) Fast During Ramadan 5) Pilgrimage to Mecca: Hajj

14 BEHAVIOR GUIDELINES Moral Behaviors  No pork or alcohol  Purify before praying  No murder, lying, or stealing  Jihad: “struggle for faith” /conversion to Islam

15 SUNNA Record of Muhammad’s behavior and teachings Forms tradition Individual reports in Sunna are known as a hadith

16 SHARIA Overtime a legal system developed Never been standardized Not recorded in one book, but in many

17 AFTER MUHAMMAD’S DEATH  Successors became known as caliphs. The first was Abu Bakr, an early convert and close companion to Muhammad  Through conquest, the caliphate rapidly expanded  Some had not wanted Abu Bakr to become caliph, they wanted Ali, who was a cousin of Muhammad’s  Later, Uthman from a tribe known as the Umayyads became caliph and a civil war broke out between those who supported him, and those who wanted Ali to lead. Ali was killed in the process  Those who accepted the Umayyads’ leader became known as Sunnis  Followers of Ali became known as Shia (caliph should be descendent of Muhammad)  Sufis also developed who seek a more mystical and personal connection with God



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