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UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY 10 TH EDITION By Robert Feldman Powerpoint slides by Kimberly Foreman Revised for 10th Ed by Cathleen Hunt 1 Copyright McGraw-Hill,

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1 UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY 10 TH EDITION By Robert Feldman Powerpoint slides by Kimberly Foreman Revised for 10th Ed by Cathleen Hunt 1 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

2  CHAPTER NINE: INTELLIGENCE 2 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

3  What are the different definitions and conceptions of intelligence?  What are the major approaches to measuring intelligence, and what do intelligence tests measure? 3 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

4  “g” or “g-factor” › General factor for mental ability › Was thought to underlie performance in every aspect of intelligence › Recent theories view intelligence as a multidimensional concept 4 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

5  Fluid Intelligence › Reflects information-processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory  Crystallized Intelligence › Accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people learn through experience 5 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

6  Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences: › Theory of multiple intelligences › Eight different forms of intelligence 6 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

7  Is Information Processing Intelligence? › Information-processing approach  Way people store material in memory and use that material to solve intellectual tasks  Speed of processing 7 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

8  Lateral Prefrontal Cortex  Higher intelligence is related to the thickness of the cerebral cortex 8 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

9  Practical Intelligence › Related to overall success in living  Emotional Intelligence › Set of skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of emotions 9 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

10 10 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

11  Intelligence Tests › Quantify and measure intelligence in an objective manner 11 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

12  Binet and the Development of IQ Tests › Mental age (MA) › Chronological age (CA) › Intelligence quotient (IQ) › Deviation IQ scores › Bell-shaped distribution › IQ score = MA x 100 CA 12 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

13  Contemporary IQ Tests: Gauging Intelligence › Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale › Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV)  WISC-IV is for children › WAIS and WISC measure:  Verbal comprehension  Perceptual reasoning  Working memory  Processing speed 13 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

14  Reliability and Validity › Reliability  Tests measure consistently what they are trying to measure › Validity  Tests actually measure what they are supposed to measure › Norms  Standards of test performance that permit the comparison of one person’s score on a test to scores of others  Standardized tests 14 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

15  Adaptive Testing › Using Computers to Assess Performance  Adaptive in the sense that the computer individualizes the test to the test-taker 15 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

16  Learn as much as you can about the test before you take it  Practice  If the test is administered on a computer, take practice tests on a computer  Time yourself carefully  Be aware of the scoring policy  If it is a paper-and-pencil test, complete answer sheets accurately 16 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

17  How can the extremes of intelligence be characterized?  How can we help people reach their full potential? 17 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

18  Disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills › Mild = IQ of 55 to 69 › Moderate =IQ of 40 to 54 › Severe = IQ of 25 to 39 › Profound = IQ below 25 18 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

19  Identifying the Roots of Mental Retardation › Fetal alcohol syndrome  Caused by a mother’s use of alcohol while pregnant › Down syndrome  A person is born with 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46 › Familial retardation  No apparent biological defect exists but there is a history of retardation in the family 19 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

20  Integrating Individuals with Mental Retardation › Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-142)  Least restrictive environment  Mainstreaming  Full inclusion 20 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

21  Have IQ scores greater than 130  Programs for the gifted are designed to provide enrichment that allows participants’ talents to flourish 21 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

22  Are traditional IQ tests culturally biased?  Are there racial differences in intelligence?  To what degree is intelligence influenced by the environment, and to what degree by heredity? 22 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

23  Background and experiences of test-takers have the potential to affect results  Some standardized IQ tests contain elements that discriminate against minority-group members whose experiences differ from those of the white majority 23 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

24  Culture-fair IQ Test › One that does not discriminate against the members of any minority group  Heritability › Measure of the degree to which a characteristic can be attributed to genetic, inherited factors 24 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

25  Flynn Effect › The average person today gets more items correct than did the average person several generations ago on IQ tests › The cause of this effect is not clear › Possible explanations:  Higher scores mean that people have matched their genetic gifts with the environment  Better nutrition, better parenting, or other improvements in the social environment  Education 25 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

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