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Differences Between a Unionized and Non Unionized Workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "Differences Between a Unionized and Non Unionized Workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differences Between a Unionized and Non Unionized Workplace

2 Unions versus Non Union Workplace UnionizedNon-unionized Wages, hours, and working conditions, are set by a collective agreement Each individual negotiates own wages, hours, and working conditions subject to minimums and floors set out in the Employment Standards Act Workers may grieve dismissal or layoff and, if successful, may be reinstated Workers may be dismissed and be paid an amount equivalent to pay for a reasonable notice period. No right to reinstatement Layoff, promotion, benefits, vacation scheduling usually subject to seniority Employers may lay off or promote whomever they wish, regardless of seniority

3 Unions versus Non Union Workplace UnionizedNon-unionized Workers can use strikes and work to rule to pressure employer into making a favourable collective agreement for all members of the bargaining unit Individual worker usually has to negotiate alone and has little leverage Workers may have to be members of the union and must pay union dues in exchange for union’s fair representation of all members of the bargaining unit Non union membership required; no dues paid.

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