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1. 2 3 4 Focuses on deficits Assumes incapacity Is risk averse Determines responses from a prescribed list Is relatively inflexible (what you get is.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 3 4 Focuses on deficits Assumes incapacity Is risk averse Determines responses from a prescribed list Is relatively inflexible (what you get is."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

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3 3

4 4 Focuses on deficits Assumes incapacity Is risk averse Determines responses from a prescribed list Is relatively inflexible (what you get is what is available) Focuses on ‘outputs’ (amount of support). Not outcomes Assumes ‘disability’ response is necessary Can be life defining

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6 6 Deficit focused assessment invariably leads to deficit focused responses Deficit focused responses often don’t much resemble what society typically values e.g other locations, other activities, other expectations Good intention is not a guarantee of good outcomes Deficit focused responses often limit opportunity through distorted views of and responses to risk Deficit responses are often ‘exclusive’. Access is available only to those who have deficits Deficit focused responses can be isolating, repetitive and disabling Deficit focused responses often don’t resemble a ‘typical’ life for someone that age

7 7 Matthew’s Story

8 8 Alan Alda

9 9

10 10 Focus on strengths, gifts and abilities … avoid deficit thinking. Have high expectations of the person, their family, their school, everyone. You will get what you accept! Think ‘typical’ not ‘other’. Is this what I’d expect someone this age to be doing? Focus on attaining roles which are valued not just on filling time. Invite other s in to help. Avoid the nay sayers. Take risks, try new things. Imagine you cannot fail. Capture your vision, share it and protect it. Start now! It is never too early, or too late to start planning the life you want.

11 11 Our Vision Queensland students with a disability have the support, encouragement and resources to imagine, prepare and plan for a full, rich and meaningful young adult life.

12 12 Three options for support 1.THINK PREPARE PLAN workshops 2.Transition Preparation Support 3.Financial Assistance

13 13 For Parents & Educators of Secondary students with disability, and disability professionals. No age or year level limit. THINK PREPARE PLAN Workshops

14 14 Face to face transition planning for Secondary students with disability and their family. No age or year level limit. Transition Preparation Support

15 15 Up to $1000 for year 11 and $2000 for year 12 students to purchase resources needed to commence putting their plans for life after school into action. Financial Assistance

16 16 What have others done with Financial Assistance?

17 17 Max’s Story

18 18 Tyson’s Story

19 19 John’s Story

20 20 Manufacturer & Retailer

21 21 J K Rowling

22 22 Visit us Call us on: 1300 697 526 Email us at:

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