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Teachers: Gary Betney & Lisa Roughsedge.  To make the course more interesting and relevant to you as I.T. majors we will be using a website for many.

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers: Gary Betney & Lisa Roughsedge.  To make the course more interesting and relevant to you as I.T. majors we will be using a website for many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers: Gary Betney & Lisa Roughsedge

2  To make the course more interesting and relevant to you as I.T. majors we will be using a website for many of the activities.  So please bring your laptop to every class as well as the relevant books(s)  The course website:

3  This course is intended and designed for students with IELTS equivalence of 5.5-6.0.  Covers reading, speaking, listening and writing.  Classes are for 8 hours each week, you should also carry out at least 6 hours of independent study each week covering vocabulary, grammar, writing, speaking, pronunciation and spelling skills.

4  If you want to get a good grade for the assessed work and the exam then you must do the independent study.  This means reading the textbooks, taking notes, checking the course website regularly and doing your own research in the LRC and on the internet.

5  You must take notes in each class.  This will help you with the project.  It will also help with revision for the exam.

6  Students should be able to:  Follow and participate in a classroom discussion of an academic topic in which they are required to advance and argue a simple case.  Follow and participate in lectures through strategic listening, note-taking and clarification.

7  Read and reflect on short academic texts using a range of reading strategies and an understanding of academic lexis.  To compose longer academic essays.  To carry out simple research tasks.

8  Inside Reading 2 (SECOND PART).  Effective Academic Writing 3 (SECOND PART).  Lecture Ready (SECOND PART)  Course website.  PLUS your own sources.

9  You must attend all classes  Absence of more than 12 hours (10%) in a semester = written warning.  More than 24 hours (20%) = suspension.  Being more than 5 minutes late for an 8.00 a.m. class or ANY lateness for any other class = 2 hours absence and non-admission.

10  All assessment tasks must be completed on time.  Continuous assessment: Project  10 minute presentation – 20%  1000-1200 word report –30% Final Exam: Listening – 10% Reading - 10% Speaking - 10% Language Knowledge – 5% Writing - 15%

11  Project presentation:  The order of presenting will be decided by the teacher.  Presentations will be co-educational.  If you are not ready when called then you go to the end of the list and lose 10%.

12  You will:  Complete a small-scale piece of primary and secondary research.  Present your research through an oral presentation AND…  Submit a written report of 1000-1200 words (SafeAssign).

13  Each of you must undertake a small-scale piece of primary and secondary research.  Primary research involves YOU conducting original research and creating original data.  This could be by the use of interviews, structured observation, questionnaire, experiments, etc…

14  Secondary research involves reviewing other people’s work by reading what they have said about a topic. This could be in books, newspapers, journals, magazines, the internet, etc.  E.g. ‘What is Twitter and how/why do people use it?’

15  It will be a topic of your choice, and MUST be related to your major.  You will need to produce spoken and written outputs that you can plan, draft and revise over time with the support of both your classmates and myself.

16  You will need to use your:  Subject knowledge  Research skills  Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills

17  MUST contain, (i.e. be in the form of) a QUESTION.  MUST be specific enough to be researched in the time-frame.

18  Submit topic and research question by Week FOUR at the latest.

19  Plagiarism MUST be avoided.  I will give you support in this but ultimately it is YOUR work and YOUR responsibility.

20  Task 1  Choose a research topic from the list provided:  This must be a specific question NOT a general topic.  Must be researchable over the period allowed and must be coverable in a 10 minute presentation and a 1000-1200 word report.

21  The topic must relate to your major studies.  It must involve both primary and secondary research.  Task 2  Plan a work schedule, what you need to do, how and when you are going to do it.

22  Task 3  Gather the information you need to answer the question.  Identify resources to read in the LRC or the internet.  Read and make notes on the sources  Think about what you have read and what your opinions are…  Create your primary research instrument and gather data.

23  Task 4  Organize your information:  Review all of the information you have found (and any data you have collected) and decide what you want to say.

24  Submit your 1000-1200 word draft report into SafeAssign by week EIGHT at the latest.  I will give feedback on the draft ONLY if it is submitted on time.  You should use the feedback to help improve your presentation.

25  Plan your presentation:  Three main stages- introduction, main body, conclusion.  List and sequence the points you want to make in the main body.

26  Introduce the topic in your introduction.  Sum up your conclusions in the conclusion.  Practice delivering the presentation.  Include your references at the end.

27  Task 6  Deliver the presentation using PowerPoint in week 10, this is the week of :  In front of whole class, includes delivery of information and answering questions.

28  Task 7  Plan and draft your report:  Use the feedback on the presentation.  Write the presentation as a report.  Avoid plagiarism.

29  Task 7  Submit your report:  Put your report through SafeAssign.  Hand it in with the SafeAssign report by (No report will be accepted without the SafeAssign report)

30  Saturday: Inside Reading  Sunday: Effective Academic Writing  Monday: Lecture Ready  Wednesday: Project work

31  As informed by Mrs Lisa Roughsedge and subject to change.  The initial weeks will focus on the AWL from Inside Reading.

32  I will also be available during the following times in my office, room 115, teacher’s block:  Sunday, 10.00-12.00  Tuesday 12.00- 14.00

33  I will also be available during the following times in my office, room 111, teacher’s block:  Tuesday 08.00-10.00  Wednesday 08.00-10.00

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