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Role of Technical Agencies Responsible for Hazard Assessment, Monitoring, Observations, Data and Analysis Dr. David Green National Oceanic and Atmospheric.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Technical Agencies Responsible for Hazard Assessment, Monitoring, Observations, Data and Analysis Dr. David Green National Oceanic and Atmospheric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Technical Agencies Responsible for Hazard Assessment, Monitoring, Observations, Data and Analysis Dr. David Green National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Dr. David Green National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for Integrated Disaster Risk Management 23-24 May 2006, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for Integrated Disaster Risk Management 23-24 May 2006, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland

2 Role of Technical Agencies Linking Hazard monitoring, Observations, Data, and Analysis to Early Warnings

3 Role of Technical Agencies From Observations to Benefits

4 Role of Technical Agencies Adopt an End-to-End Strategy 1.To the whole risk management cycle  Assessment, Preparedness, Warning, Mitigation, Outreach and Communication, and Research 2.To systemic and cascading risks 3.To system architecture Costs and performance Standards and interoperability 4.To promote Community resilience 5.To contribute to national and international policies and coordination actions: GEOSS

5 Role of Technical Agencies Determining the Threat Understanding historical events and impacts. Producing hazard models and maps Producing forecast models and 4D maps Providing data and meta-data Research results

6 Role of Technical Agencies Determining the Threat Issues i.Evidence of hazards directly guides risk reduction policies and decisions Communicate and educate, sustain awareness and common understanding of the uncertainty. Promote supporting policy: data; roles and responsibilities. Support long-term view: resource investment and partnerships. ii.Challenges of risk assessment at the country level Get the right information to the right people at the right time Promote integration of technical knowledge iii.Challenges to assess risks of different hazards Develop a balanced portfolio of actions.

7 Role of Technical Agencies Determining the Threat Issues iv.Major stakeholders in risk identification and management. Coordination and Partnership Maintain international and local coordination in support of national warning agencies. Balance public-private partnerships. v.Linkages between risk information and early warnings Minimize information overload. Maintain credible and authoritative voice. Convert risk information into real-time decision support, providing robust and applicable models, and ensure data and system availability when and wherever needed.

8 Role of Technical Agencies on a 24x7 basis Providing Warning Guidance Monitor and Observe Assess and Predict Engage, Advise and Inform

9 Role of Technical Agencies on a 24x7 basis Providing Warning Guidance Issues vi.Synergies in risk identification mechanisms for different hazards. Collect multi-purpose and multi-use observations. Ensure data sets for modeling and mapping are widely available Ensure observational and communication systems are interoperable and national plans supported by local and regional strategies. Encourage operational data standards and protocols to be utilized for common approaches to data integration, assimilation and transmission Provide data that is quality assured and archived for multi-use and multi-purpose. vii.Multi-hazard approach to warnings Ensure warning guidance is pre-coordinated among technical agencies, emergency and environmental agencies, and public-private partners Leverage common dissemination and communication channels Leverage operational maintenance and sustainability

10 Role of Technical Agencies Warning System — Priorities Integrate existing systems and build new ones where gaps persist Sustain planned, research and operational systems Collect and assimilate data from partner sources Interface existing capacities through interoperability standards Ensure continuity of observations, Ensure best use of all data Applied Research Observing Systems Partnerships Environmental Services Data Assimilation & Modeling

11 Role of Technical Agencies Encourage Data and Information Sharing Multi-use and multi-purpose data –Comprehensive, scalable, integrated, observations networks Availability and access –Robust data management methodologies (assimilation, quality control, validation, processing, stewardship) –Open source and systems architecture –Interoperable and durable communications and broadcast network Full and open exchange –Policy of sharing of publicly-funded, unclassified data, recognizing relevant international instruments and national policies and legislation.

12 Role of Technical Agencies Data and Information Sharing - Issues vii.Governance and Organizational Aspects Data policy is critical Common principals: GEOSS. viii.Needs and Challenges for developing and least developed countries Leverage ecosystem and cultural awareness. Facilitate collaboration and best practices among LDCs. Mobilize balanced resources in prototype warning systems. Manage tech transfer and intellectual property. Ensure affordable and sustainable development. Promote regional maintenance, training, and ownership.

13 Role of Technical Agencies Summary Develop standardized and coordinated hazard and risk assessments Improve sensor data and infrastructure for better hazard detection and warning Enhance warning capabilities by increasing the availability of data feeding forecast models Ensure interoperability between national and regional warning systems Provide technical expertise and assistance, as appropriate, to facilitate development of international and multi-hazard warning systems Encourage data exchange and interoperability among all regional and multi-hazard warning systems

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