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Prepared by: Nurazrin Jupri. differences will be large differences will be small MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: Nurazrin Jupri. differences will be large differences will be small MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by: Nurazrin Jupri

2 differences will be large differences will be small MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

3  Two groups of three students Group 14710 Group 277 7  Mean mark Group 14 + 7 + 10 = 21/3 = 7 Group 27 + 7 + 7 = 21/3 = 7  Same mean mark, but Group 1’s marks are widely spread, Group 2’s are all the same  The following diagram reinforces this point MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri


5  A measure of the average amount by which the values in a distribution (x) differ from the arithmetic mean  Average of the absolute deviations from the arithmetic mean (ignoring the sign) MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

6 grouped ungroupe d Vertical bars = all differences are taken as positive MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

7  X 1 = 2, X 2 = 4, X 3 = 3  MD =  MD = = = ⅔ MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

8 Mean Deviation of grouped data X MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri



11  If we square all the deviations from the arithmetic mean, then we no longer need to bother with dropping the signs since all the values will be positive.  Variance is the average of the squared deviations from the arithmetic mean MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

12  Variance =  To calculate the variance 1. Calculate the mean value 2. Subtract the mean from each value in turn, that is, find 3. Square each answer to get MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

13 4. Add up all these squared values to get 5. Divide the result by n to get 6. You now have the average of the squared deviations from the mean (in square units) MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

14  This is simply the square root of the variance  An advantage is that we avoid the square units of the variance  Larger SD, larger the average dispersion of data from the mean  Smaller SD, smaller the average dispersion of data from the mean MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

15 xixi x 1 - x(x 1 – x) 2 4 7 10 Total 4 – 7 = - 3 7 – 7 = 0 10 – 7 = 3 (-3 2 ) = 9 0 2 = 0 3 2 = 9 18 MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

16 Variance = square units Standard deviation is square root of 6 = 2.449 units MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

17 xixi x i - x(x i – x) 2 7 Total 7 – 7 = 0 0 2 = 0 0 MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

18 Variance = square units Standard deviation is square root of 0 = 0 i.e. there is no spread of values MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

19 where Fi = Frequency of ith class interval Xi = mid point of ith class interval j = number of class intervals MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

20 LCB UCB FXFXFX^2 5.510.58864512 10.515.54 13 52676 15.520.56181081944 18 2243132 MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

21 S 2 = 174 – 12.44 2 S 2 = 174 – 154.86 S 2 = 19.14 S = √ 19.14 = 4.375 MATH0102|Nurazrin Jupri

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