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Aim: How do we differentiate between different confidence intervals and sample sizes? Quiz Tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How do we differentiate between different confidence intervals and sample sizes? Quiz Tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How do we differentiate between different confidence intervals and sample sizes? Quiz Tomorrow

2 N ≥ 30 Use the z distribution

3 Example A survey of 30 adults found that the mean age of a persons’ primary vehicle is 5.6 years. Assuming the standard deviation of the population is 0.8 years, find the best point estimate of the population mean and the 99% confidence interval of the population mean.

4 N < 30 Use the t distribution Use the t table (Table F) to find the t distribution values  find where the d.f. and confidence columns meet

5 Example The data represent a sample of the number of home fires started by candles for the past several years. (Data are from the National Fire Protection Association.) Find the 99% confidence interval for the mean number of home fires started by candles each year. 5460 5900609063107160 84409930

6 Sample Size

7 Example The college president asks the statistic teacher to estimate the average age of the students at their college. How large a sample is necessary? The statistic teacher would like to be 99% confident that he estimate should be accurate within 1 year. From a previous study, the standard deviation of the ages is known to be 3 years.

8 Proportions

9 Confidence Interval for Proportions

10 Example A sample of 500 nursing applications included 60 from men. Find the 90% confidence interval of the true proportion of men who applied to the nursing program. – Solution:

11 Sample Size for Proportions

12 Class Work Work on worksheet Use as a study guide for tomorrows quiz

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