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Welcome to Unit Two Time Organization Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Unit Two Time Organization Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Unit Two Time Organization Strategies

2 Agenda Learning Outcomes Questions from Unit 1 Learning Styles and Their Importance Stress Management Case Study Discussion Time Management General Q and A

3 Learning Outcomes After completing this unit, you should be able to: Identify your learning style Explain effective stress management techniques and how to apply them in a real life situation Prioritize your school-related activities for the remainder of the quarter by creating a To-Do List using the instructions in one of your reading assignments

4 ??What questions do you have from Unit One? Green Light

5 Yellow Light

6 Learning Styles ??What are the three learning styles mentioned in the learning activities? Green Light

7 Yellow Light

8 Learning Styles (cont.) Active--enjoy groups. Reflective--prefers working alone. Sensing--hands-on and details. Intuitive--sees the relationships between concepts easily. Visual--learns best from “seeing”. Verbal--learns best with words, either oral or written. Sequential—learns through a linear, logical presentation. Global—sees the “big picture.”

9 Types of Stress ??What are the two types of stress mentioned in the Unit Two materials? Green Light

10 Yellow Light

11 Stress Management Women and Stress Men and Stress

12 Stress is often a reaction to a feeling of being overwhelmed. Case of Brent Full-time trainer Married--two children Returned to college ??Why might he have stress? Green Light

13 Yellow Light

14 Works 8-10 hour days Involved in his children’s extracurricular activities Soccer coach Misses sleep at night Feels as if he is running out of time His assignments --submitted at the last minute. ??In what ways is your life like Brent’s? Green Light

15 Yellow Light

16 Feels overwhelmed Wants to achieve his degree Considering dropping his classes for next term. ??Based on the case study information, what do you think are some of Brent’s values? Green Light

17 Yellow Light

18 ??How do Brent’s values impact the situation listed in the case study? Green Light

19 Yellow Light

20 ??What is one question you would want to ask Brent before giving him advice? Green Light

21 Yellow Light

22 ??What are some of Brent’s sources of stress? Green Light

23 Yellow Light

24 ??What long-term effects might Brent experience if he does not learn how to cope with the stressors in his life? Green Light

25 Yellow Light

26 ??Now why, in your opinion, did I have us cover all of these different areas before giving Brent any advice? Green Light

27 Yellow Light

28 Relaxation Two-minute exercise

29 Managing Your Life Don't fall into the 'I can do it quicker and better' syndrome. Clarify the task in your own mind. Write an outline or sketch of what you want. Enlist the help of the person you’re delegating to. Get her/him to write the instructions out that you give verbally. Don't be a perfectionist. Write out instructions Put the date and time the work is due on your requests. Log tasks on a job tracking sheet. Follow up. Acknowledge good jobs, no matter how small. Allow others to use their own methods. (Delegate)


31 Procrastination! Identify what is necessary to accomplish task in a given amount of time Set goals for what is to be accomplished Break goals into smaller sub-goals (e.g., concentrate on one section of a paper at a time) Accept that there are no magical cures Fear of Failure  Fear of Success  Perfectionism

32 ??What specific stress reduction techniques might you suggest to Brent? Green Light

33 Yellow Light

34 ??What was wrong with the way Brent scheduled his time? Green Light

35 Yellow Light

36 ??How can Brent maximize the study time he has available so he can spend more time with his family (one of his key values/priorities)? Green Light

37 Yellow Light

38 ??What specific tips do you have for Brent to help him deal with the particular characteristics of ONLINE education? Green Light

39 Yellow Light

40 “Habits beat mere motivation every time.” (Author Unknown) ??In your opinion, does this statement relate to time management, procrastination, and/or stress management? Green Light

41 Yellow Light

42 ??What is one piece of advice you heard today, which if you implemented, would help you manage your multiple priorities (school, work, families, personal well- being, etc.) and thus help you meet your goals? Green Light

43 Yellow Light

44 Learning Outcomes ?? Explain and effective stress management techniques that you can apply to your life?

45 Yellow Light

46 Learning Outcomes (cont.) ?? What is one school-related activity you can/will place on your To-Do List for this unit? Green Light

47 Yellow Light

48 Questions/Comment? Green Light

49 Yellow Light

50 Have a terrific week! Thank you for your participation! You are the greatest!

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