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CHAPTER 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE. Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western.

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2 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-2 n Objectives   Explain the difference between statutory rights and contractual rights   Define employment-at-will and identify three exceptions to it   Describe what due process is and explain some means of alternative dispute resolution   Identify employee rights concerns associated with access to employee records and free speech   Discuss issues associated with workplace monitoring, surveillance, investigations, and drug testing   List elements to consider when developing an employee handbook   Differentiate between the positive approach and progressive approach to discipline

3 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-3 n n Employee Rights and Responsibilities   Statutory rights   Contracted rights   Employee contracts   Non-piracy agreements   Implied contracts   Rights and employee-employer relations

4 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-4 n n Rights Affecting the Employment Relationship   Employment-at-will (EAW)   EAW and the courts   Wrongful charge   Just cause   Nature of due process   Distributive and procedural justice   Unionized employees   Nonunion complaint process   Due process and alternative dispute resolutions   Arbitration   Peer review panels   Organizational ombudsman

5 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-5

6 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-6 n n Employer Security Concerns and Employee Rights   Rights issues and employee records   American with Disabilities Act and medical records   Security of employee record   Employee access to HR records   Restrictions on employees’ free speech rights   Employee advocacy of controversial views   Whistle-blowing   Monitoring e-mail and voice mail   Tracking internet usage   Workplace performance monitoring / surveillance   Employee theft   Polygraph and honesty testing   Behavior off the job   Substance abuse and drug testing

7 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-7

8 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-8 n n HR Policies, Procedures, and Rules   Guidelines for policies / rules   Consistency   Necessity   Applicability   Clarity   Reasonableness   Distribution / communication   Employee handouts   Legal review of language   Readability   Use   Communicating HR information   HR publications and media   E-mail / teleconferencing   Suggestion systems

9 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-9

10 Chapter 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 17-10 n n Employee Discipline   Approaches to discipline   Positive discipline approach   Progressive discipline approach   Reasons for not using discipline   Effective discipline   Training supervisors   Consistency   Documentation   Promptness   Impersonal discipline   Discharge: the final step

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