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0 2012 LoA Verification Plan & Status ContractorDirectorPlanned DatesStatus 1.Attila Dogan (ADS) OND24 th to 31 st Marcompleted 2Vanguard (VRSS) UWD21.

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Presentation on theme: "0 2012 LoA Verification Plan & Status ContractorDirectorPlanned DatesStatus 1.Attila Dogan (ADS) OND24 th to 31 st Marcompleted 2Vanguard (VRSS) UWD21."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 2012 LoA Verification Plan & Status ContractorDirectorPlanned DatesStatus 1.Attila Dogan (ADS) OND24 th to 31 st Marcompleted 2Vanguard (VRSS) UWD21 st to 28 th Aprcompleted 3GS Eng & Constr GD05 th to 12 th Maycompleted 4Shaher United UID19 th to 26 th Maycompleted 5United Gulf (UGER) UWD09 th to 16 th Juncompleted 6Dar Al Sahra UWD23 rd to 27 th JunStarting 7Arabian Industries OSD14 th to 21 st JulAs planned 8WGCC OSD25 th Aug to 1 st SepAs planned 9Bauer Nimr OSD08 th to 15 th SepAs Planned 10Shivani UWD22 nd to29th SepAs Planned

2 1 2012 LoA: Mid year Findings Analysis AREAS OF LOW EBS

3 2 2012 LoA: Mid year Findings Analysis ISSUEREMARKS Sub contractor ManagementPoor prequalification and monitoring. (Of understanding - once approved by PDO, no need to prequalify) Competence Assessment & AssuranceExpectations here are not clear with contractors Identifying & Assessing HSE critical PositionsMeaning of HSE critical positions is not clear with contractors Compliance to training MatrixUpdating and implementing action plans to close gaps Compliance with FTW as per SP 1230Term FTW & expectations - not very clear to contractor Mixing terms of HEMP and updatingMixing of terminologies, poor coverage of applicable hazard, underrating risks Waste managementWrong application of consignment notes and waste not segregated at source EMERGED COMMON AREAS OF CONCERN WITH CONTRACTORS

4 3 2012 LoA: Mid year Findings Analysis ISSUEREMARKS HSE Controls for non-self supervising contractors (mode2&3?) need to be clarified Current HSE controls are mainly geared for Self managing contractors Small but High/Medium HSE risk contracts may not be audited during their lifecycle with PDO. Some found not to have been audited at all since engagement Checking of Omanisation percentageIn some contracts Omanis are not very visible Harweel Area Emergency Planning may not meet expectations. Escape routes first leads towards Harweel station. Contractor staff are not provided with Extra BA as provided to PDO staff On extension the extended contracts continue with the use of old documents. Same Terms and Conditions. C09 requires application of updated documents. FTW for PDO staff – is it done?? PDO LEARNED LESSONS

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