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Bo Liu Liu Laoshi Lu Yang Yang Laoshi Emily Fair Qin Laoshi.

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2 Bo Liu Liu Laoshi Lu Yang Yang Laoshi Emily Fair Qin Laoshi

3 GradeListening Speaking ReadingWriting 5 th Grade Present and plan an social event. Read sci-fiction stories, fairy tales, simple science report, guidebook. Create own stories in the given scenarios; Report about events or customs. 6 th Grade Conduct interactive presentation about the certain academic topics. Read posters, newsletter, magazines, non-fiction essay. Write scientific articles; report research about cultural facts. 7 th -8 th Grade Debate: defense/ offense one’s opinion with evidence and examples. Read biographies, business texts, popular science articles. Write drama, speech, and commercial. Students will be able to use Chinese to…





8 CLA Curriculum Backward Design Associates with school events. Connect to content area study. Enhance studying both modern Chinese and classical Chinese. Emphasize practicing reading & writing skills.

9  Formal assessment: - Unit test; - Term exams; - YCT (Youth Chinese Test held by Hanban); - SOPA (Student Oral Proficiency Assessment).  Informal assessment: - On-going classroom assessment; - Quizzes.  Performance-based assessment: - Academic performance

10  Are leveled based on students’ Chinese proficiency.  Different pace, same goal.  Have smaller class size.  Basic knowledge learning + language skills training

11  Actively and positively participating.  Be respectful and responsible.  Bring learning materials to the class.  Submit homework on time.

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