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M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia E-legislation M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan Ministry for Public Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia E-legislation M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan Ministry for Public Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia E-legislation M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan Ministry for Public Administration

2 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia RLS Parliament E-sessions registers E-admin. OAS LP&LPSdb EUdoc. G2G - Integration of different ISs Acts State Communication Infrastructure Servers SIGOV-CA

3 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Office automation system – IS for Legislation procedure Ministries Office of the Secretary General E- Sessions (standing committees, government) = Legislation procedure e-commerce among state institutions Government Office for Legislation Office automation system – IS for Legislation procedure Parliament Parliament IS

4 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia e-commerce among state institutions E-sessions Parliament IS E-democracy The same platform Document exchange system

5 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia

6 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Archives and Archives Material Act Rules on selecting and delivering public archive materials to the archives Rules of procedure of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia Rules of procedure of the Parliament Decree on the document management by the public administration Official Journal of the Republic of Macedonia Act Decree on publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia Decree on computerised databases Act on the Access to Information of Public Character Decree on the delivery of information of public character Office Automation System Legislation

7 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Classification code list Code list of signs of assignments Code list of the key words (EUROVOC) Code list of institutions Code list of sorts of documents Code list of types of regulations Code list of phases in procedure (status) Office Automation System Code lists

8 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia I / O MODUL Common matters Other IS or Db Electronical FAX LPSdb ….. Office Automation System Central point

9 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia input documents I/O module legislation other documents EPP number and archive number EPP number and archive number output documents RPM Office Automation System Central point

10 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Content of the record for all matters are: identification number - IDnmb (classif.sign – successive number / year) => archive number identification number - IDnmb (classif.sign – successive number / year) => archive number citizen/customer citizen/customer subject subject status status starting date of the matter starting date of the matter sign of assignation sign of assignation term (time limit) term (time limit) list of documents in the matter list of documents in the matter link to other matters link to other matters (key words) (key words) (additional data) (additional data) 123-12-2005 2007-1122-0001 The additional data for legislative matters (get from the RPM at first call s of the function RPM_GET_EPP) are: EPP (Evidencija Propisa u Pripremi) title in Macedonian language title in English language acronym sign of the phase in the procedure (status) expire date for the preparation of the legislation in the ministry expire date for the preparation of the legislation in the Government expire date for the preparation of the legislation in the Parliament expire date for the adoption of the legislation IDnmb – archive number EPP – Evidenčna oznaka Propisa u Pripremi MOP – Makedonska Oznaka usvojenog Propisa RPM&NPAL Office Automation System

11 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Service - function of a building block (e.g.: RPM, OAS) which implements a request/response mechanism. Request consists of input data to service (e.q.: Who and what), response is output from service and provides data for which the requestor asks. Services to RPM

12 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Office automation system Legislative extension RPM Legislative database Adopted regulations Legislative database Regulations in process OG of Macedonia NPAL EUR-LEX OJ I/O System Legislative database Adopted regulations LOCAL DOMAIN GOVERNMENT DOMAIN INTERNET DOMAIN Methodology and Guidelines for legislative process

13 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Office automation system – IS for Legislation procedure Ministries Office of the Secretary General E- Sessions (standing committees, government) = Legislation procedure e-commerce among state institutions Government Office for Legislation Office automation system – IS for Legislation procedure Parliament Parliament IS

14 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia E-democracy E-sessions Parliament IS E-democracy The same platform Document exchange system

15 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Legislation Register National Legislation Harmonized Legislation EU Legislation Relations between National and EU Legislation Relations to institutions Tables of concordance

16 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia

17 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia E-democracy E-uprava

18 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Instit ution X RAB suggestion Employees Expert revisers Bearers RAB Module ITQuality Administrative operations DINS SALA- RIES Government documents Assigning RAB Module opinions, responses Original documents Flow scheme of suggestions for reduction of administrative burdens Responses HRAU Council for an economy friendly PA NGO Inter-ministerial coordination Government Information of public character RAB suggestions Coordinator Minister’s Cabinet Signature Conclusion Suggestions for RAB opinions, responses Resorna ministrstva Resorna ministrstva Ministries Classification into matters Guardian of RAB Module Institution X Ministry of PA PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Remarks about government proposals Suggestions for RAB regulations book of rules Other regulations (laws, executive acts) - Examination from the viewpoint of RAB - Inter-ministerial coordination

19 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Conclusion - IT -Strategic Directions -Program of projects – Action plan -Project Management -State backbone -HW & SW -Central I/O point and OAS in each Ministry -Services -Help Desk -Information staff – internal!

20 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Legislation Portal (Annual Government Program) Legislation Portal (Annual Government Program) Common rules - knowledge Common rules - knowledge Procedures definition – knowledge Procedures definition – knowledge Payless access to RPM&RPMdb Payless access to RPM&RPMdb Payless access to OG on the Internet Payless access to OG on the Internet Payless access to information of Public Interest Payless access to information of Public Interest Conclusion - general

21 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Q & A

22 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia

23 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia

24 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia

25 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Ministrstvo domača stran

26 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Vlada domača stran

27 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Dz domača stran

28 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Uradni list

29 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia rps

30 M.Sc. Tatjana M.Zupan; 22.02.2007 Republic of Slovenia Political Pressures Time Constraints It takes less time to do the thing right than it does to explain why you did it wrong.

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