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Dana Bolton ED505 – University of West Alabama.  AT is any device or service that helps a student with a disability to meet his or her individualized.

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Presentation on theme: "Dana Bolton ED505 – University of West Alabama.  AT is any device or service that helps a student with a disability to meet his or her individualized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dana Bolton ED505 – University of West Alabama

2  AT is any device or service that helps a student with a disability to meet his or her individualized education program (IEP) goals and to participate in the general education setting to the greatest possible extent.  AT devices and services help restore lost capacities or improve impaired capacities.  AT helps students overcome functional limitations.

3  AT includes devices and services  Devices and Services go hand-in-hand. Students need both to use AT successfully.  AT can be very low-tech such as a slant board or very high-tech such as a laptop computer or smart phone.  All educators, not only special educators, need to be informed regarding AT.

4  AT must be considered for any student with an IEP.  The school system must provide AT if it is required for students to access general education curriculum and to receive a free and appropriate public education. (FAPE)  AT includes both devices and services.

5  Considering AT  Implementing AT  Evaluating AT and Decision Making

6 A sound-field amplification system in the classroom allows the teacher’s amplified voice to be transmitted using a lavaliere microphone and ceiling- or wall-mounted speakers.

7 An example of a portable reading device is this Eye-Pal.

8 iPhones or other smart devices, and the apps available for download, can be very helpful for students with Learning Disabilities. Plus, they have a “cool factor” that the students enjoy.

9 Reachers (often also called grabbers) help people to retrieve hard-to-reach items.

10  The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2010). Assistive Technology: An Overview. Retrieved on [November 1, 2014] from le/at/ le/at/  Turnbull, A., Turnbull, H., Wehmeyer, M., & Shogren, K. (2013). Exceptional lives: Special education in today's schools (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill.

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