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1 SICBDST and Brunel Migration status and plans. 2 Migration Step 1: SICBMC/SICBDST split  Last LHCb week: Split done but not tested  Software week.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SICBDST and Brunel Migration status and plans. 2 Migration Step 1: SICBMC/SICBDST split  Last LHCb week: Split done but not tested  Software week."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SICBDST and Brunel Migration status and plans

2 2 Migration Step 1: SICBMC/SICBDST split  Last LHCb week: Split done but not tested  Software week (5-7 April) SICBDST v232 released Extensively tested and used in ECAL production No pileup  Current status SICBDST v233r2 in production Includes pileup  Split is complete. Monolithic SICB has been retired.

3 3 Step 2: Wrap SICBDST Fortran in Gaudi (Brunel)  Reminder of structure: Main program, job steering, event input handled by Gaudi FORTRAN algorithms wrapped as Gaudi algorithms One algorithm per sub-detector per “phase”  Brunel.Digi.ECAL calls ECDIGI()  Brunel.Trigger.TRIGGER calls TRIGGER()  Brunel.Reco.RICH calls RIRECO()  Brunel.FinalFit.TRAC calls AXRECO() Independent of SICBDST version - just link to latest libraries Input RAWH file defined in jobOptions, FORTRAN code steered by sicb.dat as before  Status v1 released yesterday It works! Similar results to SICBDST Pileup not yet tested Must start large scale tests with sub-detector experts.

4 4 Step 2: Brunel testing plan  This week: Produce preliminary user guide 100 events available for first checks by sub-detector experts SICBMC: $LHCBHOME/data/mc/sicb_bpipi_v233_100ev.raw SICBDST: $LHCBHOME/data/mc/sicb_bpipi_v233_100ev.dst Brunel: $LHCBDEV/BrunelTest/sicb_bpipi_v233_100ev.dst Work out detailed test plan with each sub-detector contact  Testing procedure as for SICBDST Sub-detector expert checks Data quality histograms Status reports at weekly computing meeting

5 5 Step 2: Brunel commissioning  In parallel to testing SICBDST functionality, commission GAUDI functionality: Pile-up in Gaudi Integration of OO algorithms Histograms, Converters, OO DST  SICBDST can evolve in parallel Brunel simply links latest SICBDST libraries Trivial to switch if no changes to SICB I/O mechanisms  Aim to make decision on SICBDST retirement at next software week (July 3-7) Frozen SICBDST version during summer New features added to Brunel only

6 6 Step 3: Gradually replace Fortran with C++  Much progress since last LHCb week: Design reviews of Calorimeters, Tracking, RICH (February,March) Software week (April)  Identified needs for: Guidelines for common approaches to event data model Access to MonteCarlo truth, access to contained objects Definition of public event data classes Sequencing of algorithms, sharing and updating of data between subdetectors Catalogue of existing converters  Common language, common solutions Adaptors, Associators, Tools Discussion forum to agree on the above

7 7 Step 3: the way forward  Define a project team Will ask sub-detector contacts to nominate OO reconstruction representatives Start frequent brainstorming meetings (one or more per week) To make progress on common issues (see previous slide) To identify candidates for integration in Brunel  Define a project plan Will approach each sub-detector contact in the next few days to understand sub-detector software plans Agree on deliverables and milestones with project team

8 8 Summary of migration status  Step 1: Split SICB into SICBMC and SICBDST Complete and in production  Step 2: Wrap SICBDST algorithms into Gaudi framework: Brunel First release available and ready for testing Pile-up to be commissioned In production by the summer  Step 3: Replace Fortran with C++ Much progress in many sub-detectors Time to co-ordinate the work into one project

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