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Lesson #9. Catalyst Write down today’s topic in your T.O.C. Take out your homework (Part C of WS #7) 1. Suppose you own a small island in the middle of.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson #9. Catalyst Write down today’s topic in your T.O.C. Take out your homework (Part C of WS #7) 1. Suppose you own a small island in the middle of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson #9

2 Catalyst Write down today’s topic in your T.O.C. Take out your homework (Part C of WS #7) 1. Suppose you own a small island in the middle of the ocean. You want to turn it into a city, but you want to save your money and not build any unnecessary buildings. 2. What is the minimum number of buildings you need to have to make your city self-sufficient (able to survive on its own)? Write down which buildings you’d need (e.g. mayor’s office, etc.). Objective: Identify major organelles and their functions Lesson #9 Organelles, part II

3 Go over HW Organelles #7

4 Housekeeping Quiz Friday Tardiness check Remember to get your folder by next week!

5 Hmmm: What causes bipolar disorder? Genetics + environmental factors Scientists aren’t sure Current hypothesis: imbalance in neurotransmitters Serotonin Dopamine Norepinephrine

6 What are we doing today? TODAY Catalyst: A: Organelles Dating B: Organelles WS Agenda Tonight’s Homework: Finish today’s WS Study organelles for 30 minutes (for quiz!)

7 Thought question Suppose you own a small island in the middle of the ocean. You want to turn it into a city, but you want to save your money and not build any unnecessary buildings. What is the minimum number of buildings you need to have to make your city self-sufficient?

8 How it works Design a island city that is self-sufficient Each building you build costs $1,000 The team that spends THE LEAST money wins E.g. A team that builds 9 buildings will do better than a team that builds 20 buildings You can make a list and/or draw a picture

9 Round II Groups of 2 combine into groups of 4 Discuss with each other, taking the best of each other’s ideas Do NOT just add all the buildings together. Maybe you can cut some buildings!

10 Debrief: What buildings do we need?

11 Why’d we do this activity? How does this activity about what makes cities run relate to biology and cells? Hint: Cell theory says cells are smallest thing that can be alive

12 Organelles “mini-organs” inside cells that make cells work

13 Front of Card (Example) Nucleus Name of organelle

14 Back of Card (Example) Function Control center for all activities in the cell If removed, cell dies Analogy City Hall of the town

15 Independent study time Notecard memorization strategies

16 Let’s practice… Questions

17 Worksheet time!

18 Wrap-Up Add up your points for today. Today’s work  Your folder Tonight’s HW: Finish today’s WS Exit Questions 1. What does the Golgi apparatus do? 2. Do prokaryotic cells have an ER? 3. Which organelle stores water and wastes?

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