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The OC Starring: M11 and NGC 6819 Jared Rosen, Becca Gallery, and Molly Zimmerman.

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Presentation on theme: "The OC Starring: M11 and NGC 6819 Jared Rosen, Becca Gallery, and Molly Zimmerman."— Presentation transcript:

1 The OC Starring: M11 and NGC 6819 Jared Rosen, Becca Gallery, and Molly Zimmerman

2 Young and large stars Few thousand per cluster Not as compact as globular clusters More massive stars so shorter lifetimes! All born from the same molecular cloud Stars all about same age and distance Open Clusters NASA/ESA/AURA/Caltech.

3 Color and Temperature


5 Stellar Evolution Star formation Main sequence Red giants

6 Star Formation

7 Main Sequence Hotcold Bright Where stars spend most of lifetime Hydrogen burning Our sun is on the main sequence Massive stars have shorter lifetimes Massive stars are bright and hot dim

8 Red giant No fusion but gravitational contraction

9 Red Giants! Burning hydrogen shell Evolved past main sequence No hydrogen burning in core Size expands and star brightens but temperature decreases

10 Taking Pictures Late night conference with Ellie (telescope operator) M11 and NGC 6819 Exposure times Filters/ RGB images

11 RGB Images ++ =


13 = Color magnitude red blue Main sequence Red Giant Branch

14 = Colorblue red magnitude Main sequence Red Giant Branch Red clump


16 NGC 6819 vs. M11 NGC 6819 = 3 billion years old m11= 200 million years old


18 Distances M11 = 2600 parsecs or 8700 light years NGC 6819 = 1400 parsecs or 4500 light years

19 Galaxy Model

20 Conclusion Using CMDs and Isochrones we were able to figure out our ages, brightnesses, and distances of our open clusters M11 = 8700 light years and 200 million years old NGC 6819 = 4500 light years and 3 billion years old

21 Thank you!!! Andrea Michels Chris Martell Ellie Gates Greg O’Bryan Globs: Catherine and Amanda Hilary O’Bryan Jason Porter Jay Strader John Martin Kathy Cooksey Kirsten Howley Laura Chomiuk Monica Piñon Malika Moutawakkil-Bell COSMOS

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