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Why are we here? 1997-20072007-20082010-20142015-2019 projectsnational coordinationWorking groupsTCS.

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Presentation on theme: "Why are we here? 1997-20072007-20082010-20142015-2019 projectsnational coordinationWorking groupsTCS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why are we here? 1997-20072007-20082010-20142015-2019 projectsnational coordinationWorking groupsTCS

3 EPOS today A long-term plan for the integration of research infrastructures for solid Earth Science in Europe EPOS integrates the Existing and future advanced European facilities into a single, distributed, sustainable infrastructure taking full advantage of new e-science opportunities for Open Science

4 The EPOS Implementation Phase


6 EPOS IP … and beyond Timeline

7 EPOS-ERIC: Current Status

8 Data generation Data collection Responsible of sustainability and operation IPR Data curation Metadata Registration Community Services Standardization Data pocilies Interoperability Brokerage Metadata registry Processing Aggregation Integrated analyses Visualization EPOS Architecture for Implementation community-specific integrationnovel e-infrastructure Procurement Sustainability

9 EC Recommendations Beneficiaries are not the owner of the budget EPOS is one of the richest projects presently under implementation: for this reason the evaluation and progress assessment will be particularly rigorous and more severe! EC expects that EPOS will enter in pre-operation phase and will guarantee the full exploitation of results

10 Expectations

11 EPOS IP Concept

12 Four Strategic Actions Service Implementation (TCS-ICS)  WPs 8 – 17 TCS technical implementation  WPs 6 & 7 ICS technical implementation and TCS-ICS interoperability  WPs 4 & 5 TCS governance, legal and financial implementation Harmonization  WP3 harmonization of EPOS implementation with national priorities Communication  WP2 communication within and outside EPOS Project Management  WP1 management of the project and coordination with interim-office

13 Partnership

14 TCS Implementation Management, Communication Harmonization

15 EPOS IP Impact & Global Perspectives 10 TCS to be implemented ICS-C to be implemented ICS-d to be designed Harmonization with >20 countries Further engagement of stakeholders

16 EPOS IP Budget: 18.379 M€ Total Financial Volume: 31.360.834 M€ WP1 WPs 6-7 WPs 2-5 WPs 8 - 17

17 EPOS IP Project Timeline Implementation Validation Pre-operation

18 Validation and Testing A rigorous testing and validation phase is foreseen in the DoA and in the GA for each TCS and for the ICS at M12 and M24 Establishing the metrics for EPOS IP impact assessment and TCS-ICS validation is a duty for the first year of activity (Session 5 of the kickoff agenda) The Service Coordination Board (SCB) and the PDB will ensure that all activities associated with the service implementation will be discussed and endorsed for validation in WP1 and WP3 The Implementation Phase Council (IPC) will approve the outcomes of validation and their transmission to BGR for final decision after discussion in the Board of National Scientific Representatives (BNSR)

19 Exploitation of Results The EPOS IP impact will be measured in terms of: Scientific value Capacity building Economic value Societal value Communication and dissemination activities (Session 3 of the kickoff agenda) are essential to this task and involve the whole EPOS IP partnership Access to data, data products and services through the implemented infrastructure and the ICS is a fundamental contribution The adoption of metrics to measure socio-economic impact is essential as well

20 Risk Management Risk management Risk management policy Risk management plan Risk register PDB is responsible for regular review of significant threats IPC discuss and approve transmission to BGR

21 Open Access for Open Science

22 Ethics Issues

23 EPOS : a single, pan-European distributed RI _ Diverse Data _ Seismograms Geological Maps SAR Interferograms Hazard Maps

24 EPOS RI beyond EPOS IP

25 EPOS IP Budget seismology volcanoes satellite Geo-Energy Test-Beds GNSS Anthropogenic Hazard Geological data Near Fault observatories Lab

26 Services to be implemented


28 I.Data and service providers from the solid Earth sciences (  National data and service providers  International data and service providers  Data products providers II.Scientific User Community  Researchers from solid Earth Science  Solid Earth science community projects (NERA, SHARE, REAKT,....)  Training and educational institutions, projects and initiatives (QUEST, TIDES, …)  Researchers and organizations from outside the solid Earth sciences III.Governmental Organizations  National governments  Funding agencies  Civil protections authorities  European Commission IV.Other data and service providers and users  IT projects and experts, Industry, Private data and service providers V.General Public EPOS Stakeholders


30 EPOS RI beyond EPOS IP

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